try these..
otherwise, skate shoes will give you a stiffer sole, which won't bend as much..Thanks, they look like the sort of thing I'm talking about.
i think the op is concerned about his problems with walking in clipless shoes, possibly something to do with the inverse high heels
Yes, everyone who wears clipless shoes walks like they've cacked themselves, which in addition to the lycra and padded arse is just great. But I'm also regularly in the position of having to get a foot down NOW or end up on my arse. I've not fallen off this bike yet and I'd like to keep it that way!
I'm looking for good shoes/trainers to cycle in. Most ordinary trainers have too much sole flexion, and I don't want to wear clips or so-called 'clipless' shoes as they are a bit kinky and I'd fall over all the time. I have only found one brand of clip-free cycle shoes - http://www.quocpham.com/ . Does anyone have any experience of these, and can they be recommended? Are there other makes out there that I have failed to unearth?
A troll is someone online who's smarter than you and not above pointing it out. It's about uncovering and aggravating an individual's cognitive dissonance. People who spam 'lol faggerts' are just dicks, not trolls. Mainly the accusation of 'trolling' gets flung by people who are losing arguments and/or butthurt about something.
Wow. Do Americans really still have a problem separating muslims from religious extremists? I wonder if they can see the division in their own country between christians and the super evangelists.
Religion is one thing that makes people different, but ignorance is what make that a problem.There are no moderate christians in the USA.
A mate introduced me to the two albums of the now-defunct Fall of Efafra recently. For those of you not versed in childrens' literature, the band name (and indeed, both albums) are drawn from 'Watership Down' and the albums are sort of woven out of places and situations from the book, as well as a hefty chunk of rabbit culture/mythology.
Sort of awesome, sort of fail - awesome in that it sounds amazing and attempting one Watership Down concept metal album, let alone 2, is made of sheer balls and win. The rabbit mythological terms sound tribal and resonant. The metal is pleasantly prog/abstract and there's plenty of depth to the sound. Fail in that the band are vegans and managed to completely fuck up the bunny mythology/cultural references. It's all wrong - almost seems half-remembered, like no-one bothered to re-read the book or something. Maybe the book wasn't hardcore xxxSTR8EDGExx vegan enough; it feels like some other ideology has been shoe-horned into the concepts of the book. Still, A for Effort.
The band broke up after producing the 2 albums. I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation: "OK lads, we've made the world's only vegan metal Watership Down diptych, is there anything left?"
"Nah mate, I think we're in danger of selling out."
"Better knock it on the head then. I'm off for a kebab." -
Aluminium. No doubt a alloy of aluminium but the point is that steel is also an alloy where as people use alloy as a term to refer to aluminium solely as if alloy = aluminium, it's a useless to refer to a bike as being made of alloy if it's metal, in fact you may as well say it's made of metal.
Person1 : "So what's this bike made out of?"
Person2: "Metal."Fucking excellent.
Not sure that steel is an alloy, since an alloy has to be a mixture of metals and carbon is not a metal. That said, most steels do have other metals in there so I guess that they could be considered an alloy on that basis.
I guess that now bikes are made from all sorts of modern materials like carbon and stuff, it might be usedful to pitch a bike as 'metal'. You could have a warning sticker - do not ride near MRI scanners or something.
Has anyone ever tried to make or market a fibreglass bike? In Germany I did once see a Dutch/Beach bike type thing made of laminated wood like a an old fashioned plane or something. It looked really hippy and I bet it was a shit ride. Must've weighed a ton. I think it was a joke about those little scooty bikes for kids that don't have pedals. They're often made of plywood so that eco-yuppies buy them for their brats.
Epic Win. Drive by on a bike?
This has been going on for years - I believe it used to be called 'Killer' and the means by which you could take your mark out were more varied - sending them letters marked 'bomb' or writing 'anvil' on a pillow propped up on a door. Water pistols and suchlike always played a big part. This is how about half the guys I know from my hometown got arrested by armed police. It was so funny - particularly as they were getting jumped by the police outside the club they were at, so every so often people would say 'oh, X has been gone for ages, I'll check up on him' and then get flattened by a guy in a flak jacket with a dog as soon as they stepped outside.
Laphroaig quarter cask is also great. Its aged in smaller casks so its got an amazing soft sweetness, along with the peatiness. Its also about 48% alc so goes loads further
I'll second that, the quarter-cask is awesome - smoother, but just as smoky.
For something a little more heterodox, there are some great Japanese single malts out there - many of the mroe famous ones are really expensive, but there are still good deals to be had. Another really good one is the Welsh single malt, Penderyn. It can hold its own with the best the scots can do, and it's good value. I got one for a mate at Gerry's (on Old Compton St, isn't it?) and got a snifter glass with it, for about 20 quid, I think.
I saw a mercedes in Manchester outside the Hilton, that was mirror-finish silver. 70's sci-fi as fuck, and also surprisingly difficult to see at night. Altogether pretty twatty, but better than matt black 'HURR I HAS A STELF CAR DURR'.
Who am I kidding, though? If I ever do get a car, it's going to be a hemi orange Dodge Challenger.
In my line of sight, I now get a clear view of a huge glass-walled upper floor where the new inhabitants enjoy putting on a brightly lit bourgeois show for us at every opportunity.
When I lived in Germany, I once looked out of my lounge window and could see 4 naked people. Two of them were even leaning out of their windows in order to chat between floors.
The horror, the horror!
This reads like an argument for homeopathy.
No, an argument for homeopathy would be 'cars crash into people, so to prevent this, people should wear a wing mirror talisman', or 'helmets protect heads, so in order to obtain the maximum protection I should wear a sun visor'. It's precisely the crumbly justifications of the non-helmet crowd that bothers me. 'helmets attract accidents' sounds like witchcraft. -
Well in some cases, helmets does make you more likely to crash, but that's usually down to the person, some people feel very confident after simply putting a helmet on and end up overcompensating themselves while riding their bike, i.e. cornering a little too quickly, taking smaller gap etc.
that only if you ride under the illusion that you'll be nice and safe with a piece of foam on your head.
So helmets make dickheads more likely to crash? Admittedly the worrying thing is that car drivers are even less careful around helmet wearers. Makes you wonder if we should be riding out in full on fuck-tha-police W.O.M.B.L.E. kit!
Don't forget that despite the cool appearance of Bern, they're not so cool in keeping you well.. cool.
if you want a helmet, forget about finding the nicest looking one and choose the one that you find comfortable.
I've been thinking about this, and not feeling like I'm wearing something that either makes me look like my mum doesn't let me ride unless I'm wearing it (most cycle helmets) or looking like I just got off the special bus (those hockey style helmets) contributes significantly to my sense of comfort. At the moment I'm in the former camp (I wear a Bell).
I'm also deeply suspicious of these apparent physicists explaining how helmets make you more likely to crash, and don't protect your head. If they break, they've absorbed energy, be it kinetic or lightsaber. I can believe that drivers are less careful around helmet wearers - perhaps as the researcher in Bath demonstrates, new helmets should come with huge wigs. But otherwise, why would anyone, from brick-layers to rally-drivers, wear helmets? I mean flak helmets aren't designed to stop bullets (except for the NVA helmets designed in E Germany) but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't want one in a war zone!
Smart enough to know I don't want to be attached to my bike. I was pushed off my last bike and robbed at knifepoint - the last thing I want is to be attached to the bike some stabby cunt is trying to take off me.
Hoping of course that a repeat of the situation is unlikely - but insured against the possibility...