^^ Saw that there a few days back. Guy must work there. Went to work in Westfield for a day and throughly enjoyed bombing it on the roads around there late at night. Proper eerie.
Think i posted it in here before, see it pretty much everday owner must work there. Still not found out what frame it is, really like it but thought raleigh only made two frames, the rush hour and the older lugged steel. Maybe something re-stickered?
Laps of westfields is pretty fun, especially with the baffled looks of the security who think i'm a nutter
So who's about to splurge their savings on this beauty
Peugeot 653. Please keep it as-is though: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320858011772?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_500wt_1104
fuuuck woulda had this. if the buyer is off here and doesn't get along with it give me a shout an i'll take it off your hands
how has this not gone yet, would grab it myself if it wasn't way to small
Saddle angle on the bmx can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
it's at such a pointy angle because some idiot cut down the post when i lent it to him and how i need it it pointing at the heavens so i can pinch it for bar spins. in my defense though i think the seat must have been knocked recently it's not normaly that extreme
drive side :
cracked and collection only in NY