Does anyone remember the name of that blog that used to post a lot of African Funk mixes? I think the guy's name was Frank something. I recall hearing a killer Fela tune on one of those that I've never heard since, along with loads of other bangers.
Unrelated banger:
Anyone tried the Topeak Tubihead upgrade or any other of their upgraded hoses? Worth it over a £10 standard hose and valve. This is only for a garden sprayer inflator bodge so head says no, and if sensible you'll be inserting sealant after seating anyway, rendering this kind of useless.
Sounds like a good result! The neighbours' cats might play a part in the stress, not a lot I can do about that. My mother bought her dog round on Friday which I might have to think twice about allowing again. They didn't meet but he was aware she was downstairs at one point. Also the crazy weather put the frighteners up him I think.
He's home and had one successful piss! Now considering a fountain in a bid to try and get him to drink more water. Anyone had success with those? The prospect of throwing away disposable plastic filter cartridges every few weeks doesn't appeal very much.
Mucky eyes look worse than they are by the way, he's on eye drops too, I'll give him a clean at some point.
Sick! LHTs look great with nobblies. Reminds me of how I had my Saracen at one point, sadly never got to use the studded tyres in anger.
I have some 60x26 GB guards if you want them for a pittance, one used one new, no stays though (Cardiff also).
BTW do you ever go on the Tuesday Traverse gravel rides? Noticed you say on another thread you're from Ponty and I think one of the fellas I met on those is from there?
Well blockage is cleared, he's out of sedation and he's hauled up in pet hospital for the night while they monitor and hydrate. Going to have to try and keep him in for the next few weeks to monitor liquid ins and outs.
Also going to have to think about how to keep him stress free, they called it stress cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder brought on by stress. My mum visited yesterday with her dog, mother-in-law does the same too sometimes, and then there were the winds from Darrah, which always make him act scatty, plus who knows what interactions with other neighborhood cats.
My poor boy in the vet's with a blocked urethra today. Just noticed last night that he was trying to pee anywhere and having no luck then vommed up a huge amount of food, typically at 10pm with a red weather warning incoming, luckily found a local place open today. Chances are he might need a catheter.
I know the chances are fairly low, and they have to caveat it, but when the vet mentioned there's a chance he won't survive sedation I nearly welled up. He's 8 but I expected to have him in my life for a few more years yet.
As stated already, the short ones are for restricted head room. Currently regs is 270mm loft insulation I think so 300mm gives you space for that + decent air gap.
The boards might not like being walked on unless you have joists above the legs too. I just used the loft zone stuff which includes lightweight metal joists for not a massive price (their boards are a rip-off though)
I'm getting a new consumer unit installed ahead of more electrical works next year. Is there anything I should know about consumer units or be specific with the electrician about beyond ensuring it has enough spare capacity for extra circuits?
From what I've read there's nothing revolutionary in the consumer unit marketplace beyond surge protection currently. I had thought about some kind of smart device that might give me stats on what's using what but I don't think that's really a thing yet and probably more sensible to do on sockets if we go down that route.
My hair is getting very thin (the stuff on my head anyway). Visited a new barber the other day as I couldn't be bother with the schlep down to see my usual lot, they went shorter than I would have liked which really exposes the issue. I'm thinking it's time for it all to go soon.
I have a Wahl Super Taper. Is it possible to get a decent cut doing it solo with that? Or any recommendations for another clipper that will make the job easier?
Ta, think that's the same as what I've got. Sounds workable.