Well like I said investment firms aren't compelled by the open banking regulation to build those API gateways but I think card providers might be... Maybe.
You're 100% right there's still a long way to go to get open banking mainstream and adopted in all areas where personal finance exists.
Monzo savings aren't included as they technically aren't accounts with support code& account number etc. It's slightly different.
Yes all via open banking plug ins.
From my understanding there's a certain element of data sharing in order to get good referral deals etc. But I would expect it to include directly identifiable information. More like our user XYZ anonymous identifier spent the following amounts with abc merchants via lmn bank.
Off the back of that the referers offer deals to tempt you in and snoop get commission if you take it out. That referral link should be able to point to snoop as source but not to which customer directly that used it.
Or I'm massively over simplifying and stupidly naive and they are all bastards. But I do work in a bank with some tangible knowledge about what can be shared etc Even if my employer isn't on the list of accounts that could be analysed. Most banks are.
The app UI is remarkably simplistic to use but pretty flexible. Suggest give it a try with just one account with a few trx in and see.
To return to some discussion a few pages back, I have been using snoop to pull in all my banking transactions and categorise them out to better understand my spending.
They have apis into all the banks i use and so far its been pretty flexible and easy to use. Even going so far as to support and predict regular monthly bills coming in.
I went for the paid version eventually once i worked out it was good enough for it and can export into csv etc for graphs and dashboards.
I could have done it all myself with csvs and spreadsheets but given I have a lot of accounts all over the place it's a lot of work to pull them all in each month and only really doable on desktop.
Do you mean like this?
XFORT Rack Bolt Security Kit in Polished Chrome, Oval Turn Knob with 55mm Rack Bolt. Extra Security As an Additional Lock, Enhanced Protection for Doors. https://amzn.eu/d/9aALNh7
Might get some of these for my bag
Yeah I get that the mandatory bit is the hard bit to stomach.
I believe some of the Nordic countries do this public service while yoofs things. Maybe it's a few hours a week alongside studies.
I'm just outside the demographic that this would affect so actually maybe someone should be asking them what they think should happen.
The whole idea is a non starter tbh.
@Velocio when you are back from holiday, I suggest an update of opening post with current running costs. Currently mentions £690 as at Oct 2016 I think. Even if it's the same amount it'll be good for people to see the current monthly run rate.
Have chucked a little into the pot alongside the recurring to help bring the kitty up.
Just had a fairly heated argument with the mother in law about Israel and Gaza. Her stance of Israel being justified for committing genocide and that I'm believing propaganda and what she's following is true that says the Muslims are trying to wipe Israel off the face of the earth despite 34,000 gazans dead. I was so close to shooting at her. I'm going to get it in the neck from my partner when we go up to bed but fuck that noise. I might put up with her crazy when I'm up at hers but I'm not fucking putting up with it in my own house.
Looking out from the office, 7am one morning. OnePlus 10t.