Work is work, any expectation that it will make your life complete is unrealistic. If it does anything over and above paying the bills you're in gravy.
That said, boredom and depression are entirely reasonable and natural reactions to some work environments.It's worth having a think about what what you like doing and how that led you into your current job.
If you find the same things interesting but those things are lacking in your job then backtrack a bit and try to find a job where those things are present.
If fundamentally you've changed interests then your options are retrain or htfu.
...But you know that already.
My entirely personal experience is that all education is satisfying long term, work not so much. The notion of a career doesn't actually survive contact with the workplace, and most sane professionals are not happy with work (how could they be).
My current solution is to work freelance and so can disguise the fact that I only work half the year and idle around the rest of it with my family; guess which half of the year makes me happy.
Your mileage will vary and thats part of the fun.
I doubt anybody here can offer any real insight into the best action/reaction as its responding to behaviour that makes no sense whatsoever. However L.A.S.H http://lashcampaign.org/combatting-harassment/ seem to have some sensible advice.
On the face of it I think you have it covered with the "not letting any nonce stop me" attitude. -
The fixed is in the shed
I converted my old road bike to fixed.
I know better, but in my haste to try it out I didn't bother putting my clippy shoes on.
Going down the hill around the corner from me, just before my knee joints combusted, my left foot slipped off the pedal.
I kangarooed on my right foot for about 100 m, while trying to get my hands around the drops to haul on the brakes.
Only the fact there was bunch of people on the street stopped me from baling.
I've locked it in the shed until it stops trying to bite me.I don't signal when riding my brompton, even the great blondini couldn't.
In London RLJ ers make me seethe... I always go through the red at the pointless lights outside my train station in Kent.
There's a lovely lady cyclist on my train sometimes; I covert her Airnimal, its all Ti, carbon and sparkly bits.
I feel better now.
Yep, context is everything, I've met many admirable people with this attitude, I've also met some total sociopaths. craft culture versus corporate culture perhaps ?