why don't you just PM me as i suggested and we could have a conversation about your objections in private? i see your point and i think i raised the issue of me not being sure about the "moral righteousness' of my decision, im open to discussion.
Instead, you just boring everyone here with picking up on my words and repeating yourself. YAWN. -
i called the cops on several ocassions and they'd turn up either
a) never
b) super latemy friend got mugged and cops just said, well sorry there's just so many of these offenders in the area, chances are we're never gonna catch him. despite her giving her best description.
of course i would be a moral hero if i caught the thief under my arm and held him until the cops came (i called them with my other free arm) and he got arrested and bike would return to the original owner and didnt stay locked on lost and found on police station forever coz no one claimed it. or i could have take a picture on him on a phone? or i could have just take a bike for a "test ride" and never come back (but stealing from thief is like double bad karma altho kind of hilarious) and what if he wasnt thief after all? what if i misjudged and he was just a slightly rough but cool guy, wanting to sell his bike on the street to feed his 14 starving children?
but i didnt. reasons i already gave. police slowness or unwillingness to help, the impossibility of finding the thieves "within the area' (have you ever been to dalston on saturday night? crowds like in rio) and frankly maybe im just stupid and didnt really think about it - from previous experience i did what i heard someone else did and it worked out for them. i bought the bike and im still hoping its going to find its owner.
not saying everyone's gotta do the same thing. or that it was the best thing to do.
now gimme a break? no? its almost midnight but i dont have to go to work tomorrow so its fine.
you're the one who just gave a bike thief £60!?
right - like say oh it was this big guy in tracksuit and it was in east london, yeah, im sure you can track him down easily. no problem, happy to help.
so good to know there are people like you that offer an actual solutions to a problem. if i find the owner (which i hope) i'll tell him your suggestion and im sure he'll send you a thank you email.yes we did!
Here list of [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs"]ethnic slurs[/ame] to cross check next time you wanna make a comment on lfgss, containing also the forementioned derogatory word "gypsy", which was used by pretty much every anti-racist activist on this thread (all two of them)
let's gloss over it now, but next time the punishment will be FIERCE.
if they have to pay £60. at the end of it what is £60? nothing really if you get your bike back!thats what i thought right? if you splashed 400 quid on bike plus accessories then 60 quid is not bad to get it back. i do hope that the person wont find it too expensive, there's nothing i can do about it.
also, it made some people speculate i might be a very cunning thief (haha) frankly, that's just too clever trying to sell stolen bike on anti-thievery forum and im not so clever. -
ok. so for once and all and i really hope i wont have to repeat this ever again - being called racist/calling someone a racist is pretty harsh thing to say the least. For the future reference and so no one is mistaken that im some racist (possibly thievery supporting) little idiot:
i did mention that it was my mistake to use a word pikey. about two posts after the original.
i thought that i was being funny and ironic when i said that white people steal too (i mean obviously) that being in capitals was meant to enhance the irony. ok, maybe not very tasteful joke it seems. sorry, i'll stop trying being funny.
im a mixed race so technically, can hardly be a racist myself. I actually even look like a frikking romanian gypsy! well, kinda.
This thread has trainwrecked.
I feel bad that I made a comment way back at the beginning regarding possible racism, but to be very honest there isn't usually any good reason to talk about the race of someone when reporting crime unless it's to directly ID them, so all I was trying to do was give friendly advice that it sounded bad to mention race.
Nikola and I had a little PM back and forth, I apologized, but since then a few others have turned her good deed thread into poopcorn.Nikola, you did right, good karma is yours tonight, hope this thread doesn't put you off the forum.
thanks man, sorry about that, you can see why i backfired on you, its getting a little hot in here!
careful, you're walking on very thin ice here