the biggest problem I can foresee would be the dropouts. If they are vertical you will need an eccentric hub. Chainline will be fine, the hub will still sit in the middle of the frame.
Loads of retro MTB's have horizontal dropouts, same as old road r=frames. The rear triangle (name escape me :/ ) spacing is wider apart on an MTB so unless you just use loads of spacers and a 650 track rear I can't see the chainline being the same. I'd never get the big chunky tyres I want with a track wheel.
ah just found surley fixed 135 hubs.. that'll do it.
I've given it a proper look this morning, the forks look fine, the frame doesn't.
the frame is the right way up in the photo, the room and the camera weren't.
I'm seriously considering just putting a track champion on a credit card.
basically my fixed bike was used at a party last weekend to grab some more beer but the rider didn't know it was fixed and ended up crashing it. FAIL. It seems like the forks are still in track but are maybe an inch and a half to two inches closer to the bike.I know I can bend steel but I want to know where I should be checking for cracks, and other than cracks what I should be looking for. If it makes any difference the frame-set is 531.
my beater/pubbike
black 2nd hand blb track, kickbrake, lots of (I dont know the word, the one used on ice hockey etc) black tape
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/375242_10150416185557552_570402551_8230874_1807918150_n.jpgI really really like this particularly having risers over a flat bar. It makes me want a new bike.
MOAAr precisely
http://www.vice.com/en_uk/dalston-superstars/dalston-superstarshaha just watched this.
it's a cool job for a highly skilled techy so it's well paid, and by cool I really mean music related. No I've got no kids, I'm 25 and single. and male.. I'm not really ganster either more soul breaks and electro I just don't want to be in a overly metal area.
yes 2.50 is fine. Please let me know about the other stuff, we can sort it all out at once.