i used to deck gardens. doesnt matter if its patioed. you just need to make sure your stabilizer beams are of sufficient strength and buried at least a foot and a half and that you put cross sections every 1.5 metres. some people do it differently but this will make a good strong structure. you might want to cover your patio with a membrane too before you lay the decking. also referencing the comment above..dont worry about trying to make it warter tight, thats just a stupid thing to do and virtually imposible, its wood, it needs to breath, f there is nowhere for the moisture underneath to go it will cause rotting after time.
No, it's "I'm not a teenager getting slightly excited by an image of a fully clothed girl bending over", if you get excited by that picture then I feel a tad sorry for you, so you kindly fuck off (who are you trying not to offend by saying fark? Your mother?).
And who the fuck shave their testicles?
As you were.
who said anything about getting exited? You lot are a right bunch of stuck up cunts. Especially you Edscobollocks . Fucking ponce. You are obviously inciting that I grow up then you come with the worst excuse for a mom joke Ive ever seen. Silly prick. -
Slight difference between 'gay' and not being sexists...
oh..I'm sorry, didn't mean to offend you. Didn't realize you were the "I don't need to look at hot chicks anymore..I have a girlfriend and shes everything I always wanted" type, LOLZ. I bet you don't even shave your nuts because its too feminine. Fark off
I knew it was a fucking bloke...(the panzie on the left)... YouTube - Jeffree Star - Beauty Killer [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
hes decking his garden, not making a fancy dressing table, whats he gonna do with a router? lol