you don't even need to look at shadows. The outside edge of the bottom half of the front tyre is wrong, it has that superimposed look and doesn't 'gel' with the surrounding ground.
they are hanging from the blue frames you can see n the top right and also you can see the sides of one frame behind the front 2 bikes. must have used fishing wire or maybe just photoshoped the wires out.
it's like when hipsters discover cyclocross and try to make a 'scene' out of it, while still sucking at it.
i know someone who has been riding ss cyclo-cross for the past 8 or so years in arkansas, he hates gears. since he was a kid he has rode ss. so.. about the hipster thing?...i dont get it. all fixies are hipsters like it or not! we gay our rides up..we hang around pubs and have semis over eachothers Brooks saddles, and we browse this forums talking about whats fly and what isnt.
There was a paedo operating in Bridlington, the nearest coastal town to me.
The evil fucker ran a face painting booth.
People dropped their kids off, he'd take them inside, gas them, then him and his mate would tamper with the kids and take pictures, quickly draw on their faces then shove them back out all bewildered looking like Ronald McDonald.What a horrible, horrible cunt of a man.
if someone was to do that kind of shit to my sister i would have to kill them real slowly
maybe a re-post but this is well funny...the kid deserves a reward for being so cool
also...you remember this?...
i am here, im not sleeping on this. I have been working all day and havent had time to reply.. Im glad dj shared my email with the forum as i feel the fact that i am the second person to threaten him then really most grown adults would have maybe realised that they should calm down. I truthfully doubt that he would dare speak to my face the way he does on here. I think everyone knows arguing on the internet is about as pointless as a one legged man entering an ass kicking contest... I have a good sense of humor and can take as much as i give. But there is a line and i think dj stepped way over it and showed everyone how mature he is by putting up the email from myself. Im done with this forum for the time being as it seems most things i say are jumped on by some prick who just wants to make a name for himself while others take the time to be helpfull. I really like coming on here, i find some of the threads funny and others helpfull. I just dont expect or appreciate people calling me names and being prejudice towards the fact im a brumie.