Maybe you practice the "cry-wank", but masturbation tends to make me smile!
You seem to struggle with basic reasoning.
You claimed you had not flounced. I pointed out that you had a previous user ID, Montana94, but that you then disappeared, last post 14th April 2010. You returned on 8th June 2010 as Nyquil.
If that was not a flounce, it sure as hell looks like one.
Did you record those dates in your diary next to your laptop? Lol, you surely are a prick. -
so what happened to your montana94 identity?
the one behind so much comedy on the thread below
did you not flounce?
I just worked it out..you are a complete twat. You are that much of a sad wanker you have to go back 10 pages and quote my posts just to back up your sad point. Blah blah blah blah blah
I bought this USB light the other day, it kicks ass and it has a main and full beam...
Mate, you need a good kickin.
Why don't you fuck off then you chopsy cunt if you think we're all wankers?
Why would you wanna come on a forum and bark at it's members? Doesn't make sense
mate? what the fuck are you getting involved for? go fuck yourself. once again another prick who wants to twist my words by saying i think every user in this thread is a wanker, i only think dj, and eddscobollox and any other twat who starts trying to justify their pathetic excuses for being pricks to everyrone who posts a shit bike in this thread. fuck off -
^^ james why you draggin year-old shit out if we got so much more fun waiting ahead of us?
thats because that bearded cunt, and edscobollox are the pinnacle of a man, never swearing, being rude, or contradicting themselves. you fucking morons, your the biggest bunch of cunts ive ever had the misfortune of coming across. Its good we never met..because YES..i would have probably nutted you by now. I would never associate myself with judgmental fucks like them and i never intended to make friends with anyone who uses this forum. not saying that i wouldnt...but definitely not the wankers who have the highest post rate on this thread -
The amount of profanity, exclamation mark and frustration from your earlier post seemed to suggested that, I know living in altantic isn't that great, you can't hide it forever as it will bite you in the 'ass' one day.
Try not to take your anger at being somewhere you didn't want to be toward others, that'll make your stay in altantic even more depressing.
Again I must express my apologise for being stuck in altantic, I hope you'll get what you want in the near future.
what the fuck is Atlantic? I live in Atlanta stoopid..where the sun shines and the roads are paved with concrete, not shitty tarmack with potholes like in London and most of England for that matter
Nyquil, noticed how you're not banned - it's because you're not special enough to be considered a proper troll, only a small annoyance, nothing more.
its because im the only real entertainment in here after nearly a thousand pages of nothing but reposts and an eddy merckx bike with different length valves on the tires -
It's pretty ironic to see a troll getting trolled to the point of an outburst.
Do you have a thing for irony or something?
have you got some magic ability to be able to tell if someone is angry through the internet? you spend enough time on here, it wouldnt surprise me if you did. and why are you once again implying that i am something that i am not? and an outburst? im sitting here stroking my cat, calm as a cucumber enjoying the morning read. Its not like i dont add to this forum, ive posted a few nice bikes on here, i just jump to the opportunity of winding you sad pricks up when i post one shitty bike and you get your knickers in a twist. -
Its night time here and raining outside, when im not doing work, sleeping, eating or shagging my girl i browse the internet and every now and again i love to come on here and wind you dumb fucks up because every time you bite like fucking piranhas. In the day when Im not working Im out cycling and exploring this amazing city (which is so much better than london i must add).
You mean you've never went to beers?
how surprisingly ironic.
why would i want to go to beers with nuggets like you lot, i couldnt imagine how numbingly boring the conversations would be. I mean shit.."yeah that bike could do with some drops, and the valves on that Merckx are different lengths, how revolting, i mean r'lly". Besides, I live in Atlanta now, sorry girls
There's a slight difference between opinion and rudeness boy.
i give what i get. i come on here to look at pictures of bikes not take shit from stuck up bike ponces who live on this forum. I mean shit man, ive been here for over a year i think, and didnt post for about 5 months, and the same wankers are still talking bullshit on this thread..you must have real boring lives man, i bet you have this site as your fucking home page
i worked it out pretty early into his career here
you can fucking talk. It seems if your dont have a first class knowledge of the track bicycle or the exact tastes as all the other pricks who criticize your every post in this thread then your a cunt and should "flounce" to bikeradar..fuck off, you lot are like the fucking borg, you just got pissed off with me because i didnt back down to your bull shit you wanker.here is a song dedicated to those plebs who tried to get me banned for standing up for my own opinion last week....
- Sad Trombone[/ame] -
Your really fucking boring.