Anyone got a link to a brake lever solution for me then? Thanks! Here's 20 pages of fixed gear time trial bikes! I think they look right nice like.
http://www.timetriallingforum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=23237 -
I don't know if I should open a new thread about this, as I've searched lfgss and found noting on it, but is there a way of running a brake lever on the drop without bar tape, this is because I'm planning on running a front brake with track grips on drop bars, but I'm fed up of witching between the top and bottom of the bar to reach my dirt harry's AND the idea of having to stay in a non aero position on a cut away seat tube, with a hed 3 and a disc wheel seems silly!
Thanks Jack -
Well anti is what I enjoy looking at most on this forum! I may not notice the feel but "alllz tha pplz on teh pvmentz willz initz?" but then again obviously I would due to the difference in tubing which unfortunately also makes a thin steel frame feel much faster, lighter and elegant which is an awesome shame!
I thinks the saddle is such a joke on this bike that this belongs here!
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs450.ash1/24814_1254215917449_1291091819_30554196_7439581_n.jpg -
I'm also about to buy the planet X track bike and I was wondering what people thought f it, is it a good ride and good value for money or is it cheap and nasty? It seems the Dolan Track Champ is about the same price which may have a better paint job but specification and looks wise I think the Planet X is better.
Thanks, Jack -
Most of these seem pretty anti to me!
Fiddy dorrah for the brickoflex?