I've heard about these, but not sure about the policy of just giving to randoms:
How is the route correct? St Thomas street is one way from guys onwards. Are the lorries going to subvert the current one way system (due to their building site) and go back down taet part of st thomas street, or go up stainer street and onto tooley?
Or down Weston street, where they have already killed someone.
http://www.votematch.org.uk/ scary stuff.
doesn't really get at it though. but useful.
What if you live in Witney? Not all of us can be so lucky as to live in Lewisham/southwark (ugh) or Brighton. And even then, we're talking about national policies.
A minority government would be awesome
.I don't live in those places either. But if you keep to one of the big parties, they won't change anything. They're useless.
I can not and will never understand the dunce cunts in the country who complain about the state of the main parties but when you suggest a non-big-three party, they'll tell you "its a wasted vote".
proper plums
agreed. The Lib-dems have seats in Lewisham/southwark. Brighton is green owned. Rather vote for a small party or an independent. Or spoil the vote.
If you don't vote, don't let me catch you whining. Or leave.
- coppiThat
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- rab
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- fasih
- keepsake
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- Bike Destroyer
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- MA3K
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- Jung + Chum
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- lyes888
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- Rookie 66
- FridayMarch26th
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- tnewmark +2
- Gav88
- Harry.
- d14vd_h
- The 5th Floor
- xrawrx
- goodhead
- R__Y
- spybot
obviously the pack will split. I don't want to ride with 50 others, more like 5 or 6. Half won't get out of bed, perhaps I won't either.
- coppiThat
this one's better on that:
but I was surprised by the cons, was better than expected. to be honest though, cars and lorries will probably have priority whoever wins.
There's a shitload of roadworks on my commute.
The irony is that a lot of it (such as those on Brixton - Oval) is enabling works for the Cycle Hire Scheme!
Surely impossible? Bike hire scheme ends at kennington.
Blue paint, of course, continues further down, inconveniencing everone for zilch gain. BLUE PAINT!!!
tfl has a cyclists journey planner. but most hare-brained people have entered routes all along main roads.
this is mine:
http://cyclemaps.tfl.gov.uk/?rid=373 (just copy and paste it...)
I like the corners. The straight line/traffic lights were too boring.
is it worth starting up a thread for people to post up dangerous sections of road - particularly with respect to bad junctions, roadworks, temporary dangers etc? Quite often someone recounts seeing a dodgy section of road after something bad has happened.
maybe wrt temporary obstructions. tbh though, I think you're generally better off avoiding the main roads if you don't know them well. If a main's on your route, take it on a sunday, find the potholes etc, then take it carefully on monday. Else avoid.
I feel like a savage now.