Have you looked at seat61? It really has all the info.
Travelling across multiple countries with bikes really seems to fuck with their systems and you almost always have to call.
Just this week I've called Deutsche Bahn (international) on three separate days and been on hold for over 100 minutes to get a bike from Berlin to Amsterdam. And I have to catch a train at 5:10 too :(
I see the point about TTs, but I've come to like them, if the commentators are informed then it gives a lot of riders some spotlight and a chance to hear about their whole season, progress etc. I guess that isn't everyone's cup of tea.
Whilst the first sprint stage of a grand tour is bound to be tense, for true fans these don't make for good all day viewing 😄 unless the parcours is not flat.
@amey please re-title this thread the mis-spelling is unforgivable. The French ("best country in the world") surely don't deserve it either
Belfast is Northern Ireland, the distinction is still relevant to some people on that Island...
When I did the rail sail option (admitedddly about 9 years ago) it was under £80 one way from London to Dublin, and the price was pretty much set I believe, because I didn't book one on the way back. More info in this thread:
I think I wrote some stuff in that thread about my favourite parts, but the west coast is hard to beat. I did a broad circumnavigation but did go inland a bit around Clonmel and Tipperary and it was worth it.
Yep, makes total sense, will do