I'm wearing this..
and voting for the Greens.
I want that on a t-shirt.
I don't get all this tactical stuff. I just did the vote for policies thing and it said greens. I've not been paying near enough attention but wanted to vote here just to see what it's all about. I was less drunk than the last time I voted in Australia so this may have altered my perception. Anyway.. what's done is done.
Fucking hell. What I do like is all the voters getting sand in their knickers about not being able to vote when they rock up at 21:57 because there's a queue. It doesn't come around often, you'd think one could plan ahead a little...
boing. Who'd have guessed these would be useless?
YouTube- Cycle Superhighways: first signs
LCC news and comments here.
Just received my fixed + belt bike, first short ride this morning to go to work in paris. will post further review, but first impression is it is a very smooth ride, no slack whatsoever. And amazingly silent.
I remember I test rode one of the trek districts after my last bike got purloined. It was quiet and smooth, but something about it didn't feel right - almost too smooth...
I like chains.
bearded bloke on a yellow frame, cinelli (? couldn't really tell, just glanced...) drops in Stockwell, three times. Once while I was a tubenger - you were looking at the road map in the station. Then an hour later, I spied you from my flat window on Robsart rd. Then later still, on Stockwell road.
congrats to the 3 that finished. I bailed after bridge 7 back home to st ockwell in time for Birmingham on MOTD (always last...)
was 930 and just settling in to x-men and thought f it why not...probably should have considered more appropriate clothing. had seal skin socks but they were no match for the rain with shorts. waterlogged by Lambeth Palace road.
goes off to dig up waterproof clothing thread
bastards have sealed up where we ahem found a way through last time...