This nice looking white thing with purple rims is being sold now at Broadway Market:
hope someone gets it back.
Get a copy of Motorcycle News and go through the listings, there are loads of low key firms that don't come with supacourier uniforms; they mostly employ immigrants and unemployables (anyone they can exploit) and probably won't care if you can pass the test or not. Then just ask around for better work once you're on the circuit; you won't find any, but it might make you feel better.
I think that helmet is fucking cool and if it wasnt for the fact that i would probably break it on my first fall (next ride out), i would get it. Its the only helmet that doesnt make you look like a bellend. Twat is better than Bellend!!!
You can wear one on your rollers, or on your electric bike - that's a versatile helmet.
I have a hot air rework station for EE soldering, allows you to properly heat up the bolts and melt in a high temp silver based solder. You can turn up the air pressure to blast it out when you need to adjust things. Don't know how safe it would be from a proper attack, but you can't mechanically lever it out (afaik).
I just thought it was marginally more distinctive looking than the Track, I doubt it rides any better (heavier too?). Took it out properly tonight and folks were looking at it when it was parked up, so I guess it looks at least alright. I think it's a bit bland.
First time I've ridden something steel at length though; quite good fun.
I had to buy a bike quickly today (since I misplaced my Klein fixed conversion on Brick Lane yesterday sniff) and I need to a bike for work. I looked in at 14bikeco, but didn't like any of the frames enough to pay £650 + for them, BLB was shut, so I went to Evans and bought a Fuji Feather. Pic:
http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/1290/fujifeather.jpgI think it's alright, bit heavy and the wheels look crappy. Don't get those saddles either. I think it's reasonable for £450, and I like that you can walk away with a built one of these within a few mins. Might look good resprayed in one of those matte blues that 14bikeco have in store - nice colour.
I'm not sure your info is still correct on the Magnum Plus Mini: