Thanks Scorch, just trying to have some fun is exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm not going to justify why I may or may not have ruined one of my own rims. I have another one just like it, anyone concerned I might ruin it is welcome to come and pick it up. Seriously. Until then I'll just lace it up, ride it and if you never hear from me again I'll probably be dead.
Well it wasn't decent, faded braking surface and rusty eyelets. Too much hassle to stick it on eBay, catch a couple of quid if I'm lucky and spend pretty much all of that money on an other rim to drill holes in.
I think the rim tape will work, the holes are 10mm diameter and I got a 15mm rim tape, which is an exact fit on the rim. Mountainbikers have been drilling their rims since the beginning of time, and MTBs tend to get abused a lot worse than my fixed bikes. But still I'm a bit wary.. -
This is what I've been doing yesterday, drilling 64 holes in an old Mavic G40 rim, spraypainting it black and countersinking the holes to get that machined look. Shaved 30 grams off the weight of the rim. Question is though, would you still ride it? Not sure if I should.. Thinking of building it with non drive side radial if one of the old wheels I have has the correct spoke length.
Malays I shopped some 40mm silver wheels on there because I was curious to see what it would look like. Try to ignore the logos on the rims. I think it will look pretty good with some black tyres and white par tape!
http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/7198/39091629.jpg -
I don't really want low profile rims, this is the bike
not posted as porn - part of discussion - before you start
In process of de-HHSB ing it. Will be getting black randos, probs keep saddle tho as it comfy.
It's a toss up between the weinmann pegasus and dp19 rims provided by varno, on novatec hubs.
Thinking of going with the pegasus (40mm+ braking surface), full silver build, radial front. Thought would look quite classy.
I reckon the Pegasuses (sp?) will look classy if you lose the supreme sticker and put some white bar tape (Fizik Microtex Bar:tape comes to mind, the perforations give it a classy look http://media.rei.com/media/aa/8e35c129-128d-481b-873f-bf6a37a84b0b.jpg
On topic: I'm not too keen on that De Rosa. Looks pretty bland imho.
*Crap gear, I'll tell you about crap gear.
*FSA carbon bar tape
Bought some of the fake carbon weave bar tape because I gould get it cheap. Big mistake. It looked horrible, almost like I wrapped my bars in garbage bags. The embossed logos made a tidy job look sloppy and padding was nonexistent. So I decided to replace the tape after a couple of days. The tape came off but the adhesive, along with a strip of foam came loose of the tape and stuck to the handlebar. Had to soak it in agressive paint thinner to get it off. Shit product.
I challenge you to duplicate that carbon bike for £200. I'll buy for £250 if you succeed.
Stuff not being expensive enough to be porn is just pretentious rubbish, a bike doesn't need to be out of reach for me to appreciate it.