I have a bit of problem, and sorry if this a stupid newb question, may the grilling commence:
So new bike last Thursday, on the weekend switched to the fixed side of the hub, monday took of back brake off all fine.
local mechanic checked the wheel was alined and chain tension was ok (as I did it myself)Yesterday pulling away from some traffic lights it felt like my chain slipped, meaning the crack turned a little but the wheel did not.
so got off check chain all fine so set of again, this happened twice more today and quite scarily once today when i tried to skid on the way home. Then home tried to skid again total loss of grip on the wheel. tried to peddle forwards the chain went around but the wheels did not turn.
Looked back at the fixed cog and noticed a small metal ring hanging loose. The little ring has a few square shaped grooves which seem to be worn down, but the bike is 6 days old???
Sorry if this is really obvious but I don't know whats happend, why and what I can do to stop it happening in the future.
Don't have a camera here, will try with my phone, any suggestions welcome....
quite down i can't ride my bike :(
Even Mrs Brave took to riding her first fixed this weekend. 5 minute ride up and down our road Saturday afternoon. Monday AM she's off on the commute run into central London.. AND she's French..
I must show this to my french girl friend, still haven't even convinced her to ride a bike in London, et alone go fixed.
But what if you're talking about olive oil exports in the nineteenth century...? :)
For better or worse, I think the current standard usage is that "data" and "media" are both singular. But I'm not sure whether economics still clings to the more prescriptive usage.
I am not a native english speaker, its my 2nd language, but at university (in The Netherlands) we were taught when writing business reports to refer to Data (plural) , group of collected information. And Datum (singular) individual record from the group. However in practice no one ever used the word datum, simply always referring to data.
The same is true for criteria
several criteria ,or one criterion (people just never use this, as they are un familiar with it so commonly also refer to one criterion as a single criteria, in fact a mistake).
And The dictionary says:
USAGE Strictly speaking, [B][B]the singular form (following the original Greek) is criterion and the plural form is criteria[/B][/B]. It is a common mistake, however, to use criteria as if it were a singular, as in : a further criteria needs to be considered.
And for Data it says:
USAGE Data was originally the plural of the Latin word : datum, 'something (e.g., a piece of information) given.' Data is now used as a singular where it means 'information': : this data was prepared for the conference. It is used as a plural in technical contexts and when the collection of bits of information is stressed: : all recent data on hurricanes are being compared. [B][B]*[B]Avoid : datas and : datae, which are false plurals, neither English nor Latin.*[/B][/B][/B]I think you can conclude that you can use data for both the singular and plural correctly, as long as you do it consistently throughout the paper, and your target audience are not scholars of latin, or english but concerned with the content of the paper I do not think it would be an issue.
Very Long answer but I hope this helps give you peace of mind.
really not sure why we are giving advice
he clearly cant do research, so probably wont be able to find the initiative to actually turn up to a job
if he cannot use an internet search, how fucked will he be when it comes to the index in the a-z
Ask his sat nav to tell him were to go ;) which he will buy with ALLL the money you earn being a courier.
You took your brake off just because someone told you too?
2 brakes + fixed is ultimate win, don't understand why more people who ride drilled frames don't do it. I've never had a flip/flop hub so when I went fixed that was it. Don't think, it's a piece of piss.Glad you're enjoying life on the flip side of things. Enjoy tomorrows commute.
Yep certainly am enjoying, also was told by a person on the forum to take of the brake, and then later by the mechanic in my local shop when they saw I had switched to fixed. But before I was riding fixed with 2 brakes (lucky i haven't been near any BIG hills eh) I feel ok without the back brake though, plus I still have the front brake for emergencies, and I will keep the back brake so if I want to I can put it back on.
I mean as long as my chain doesn't brake i'll be fine.
*note to self go and buy strong chain...
Eh I have my own opinion, i.e. they don't stretch BUT does it really matter as whether you think they stretch or wear when it gets longer give the back wheel a tug or after6-8 months get a new chain.
I don't see the point of the argument (even if some people's opinion is wrong, they are perfectly entitled to remain in their fixed mind set if it makes them happy, and wont listen to reason)
*fixed mind set hehe
RIght this afternoon some one saw my bike and said I really should get some foot retention, and get rid of my back brake!
So after fighting to remove on grip from the handle bar, one back brake lighter quick stop at the bike shop, and equipped with some straps, I set of on my commute home. and WOW did I fly what a difference foot retention make!!! Also to resist the pedals everything just great, a little scary to start but still great.
It was like rediscovering the joy of cycling for the first time again. Scary but really exiting all at the same time. I even tried to skid a little when I got home on a parking lot. They were pathetic little wannabee skids, but hopefully a bit more practice and i'll get there!!
I like the ARV because it is in essence a off piste, and you can trick about on them but they ar soft enough to be responsive on the piste, this also means if you bring your feet right in close together can can rocket through the moguls on them (well as much as is humanly possible on a long fat of piste ski), but compared to others just a really great all rounder, also budget wise good value for money, all though as Armada become more of a hispter brand they are also getting more expensive :( but still best skies in my opinion if you are off piste as much as possible, and want a al rounder the rest of the time.
Down side is because they are quite a specialised ski I think near impossible to rent/test.
These are my preferred skies
Also sorry I know its late in the season but:
- soperRiva
- Buddha Fingaz
- edscoble
- Digby
Glacier skiing anyone?
- soperRiva
Just google any company that employs bike couriers and I am sure they will tell you what they expect.
So my company use these people ( http://www.bondsworldwide.co.uk/contact.html ) when we need a bicycle courier (but they also do vans trucks etc)They are a big company so probably have a standard job description or paper they can send you if you wanna get a job.
But there are loads of companies just ask them, after all they will choose to hire or fire you.
Not that I am an expert (as I have never worked as one), but I would also take into strong consideration all the comments above,i.e mucho cojones are required, and its not the best paid job in the world. And DJ's point is valid...
Made it into work fine, infact I liked it more than riding SS felt more connected/ in control (strange), I stopped less. It was a bit harder on my legs though especially the little hill I got down, but none the less enjoyed it. Also during lunch will try to go to the shop to sort out some foot retention. Probably straps as I cycle in my work shoes.
Thanks, two follow up questions if I may.....
1st So it wasen't that I did not do up the wheel tight enough, (as thats the only bit I put on) the cogs etc were all attached when the bike arrived.
2nd Can i borrow the above mentioned tools from any one?? Or if they are under £10, I might just buy them i guess.
Thanks for the quick answers.