So tried last night in the car park, and kept peddling (was very concentrated on "keep peddling")
All went well, so today went out all day around town the pub etc, still very concentrated on peddling and all seemed to go fine.
Only time I fell off was when I tried to skid. Still haven't managed to skid just resist the pedals a bit and use the brakes to stop.The sensation is really fun I liked it allot, I reckon I could try my daily commute in the rush hour tomorrow!
Read the thread, flipped my wheel after 3 days on the new bike trying to non-stop peddle avoiding coasting. Read Sheldon's pages on riding fixed several times, also on who to install the back wheel, plus a you tube video think I am ready to venture into deserted car park for a little go.
Still not convinced the back tire is centred, as this is the only thing I haven't understood how to check, I mean it looks straight. Any easy ways to check this??
Any way enough talking time to try...
The best I could find near £200,- new is http://www.winstanleysbikes.co.uk/product/22074/SE_Racing_Draft_Lite_SingleSpeed_Bike_2009 don't think its good, BUT its SS and its new. For the rest you get what you pay for in this case a £234,- SS bike.
Born in Oxford England, but both parents from the Netherlands. Moved back to NL (The Hague) when I was 6 then when I was 16 to Spain (Barcelona) 19 back to NL to go to University (as is seriously so much cheaper than in the UK and the gov helps by giving you money every month to live which you only have to pay back if you don't finish the course) after Uni to France (Paris were I worked for a while) and since a few months after many many years abroad back to the UK (London).
UK has changed allot since I left! But its good to be back all though Health & Safety is just nuts here!?!
Was it locked to anything on the balcony? Cos when I was a student living in dorms we used a meat hook on a rope to take the chairs of the balcony below. Surprisingly because we could look onto the balcony below. (more of a joke, we gave em back eventually)
It also sounds really hard for some one outside your building to scale a 7ft wall in clim up to the 3rd floor balcony, get the bike climb down, go back over the wall with the bike. Plus some one needs to have spotted it as well on your balcony... I would look closer to home.
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Now should I just try really hard to get up on time or just stay up till its time??
- coppiThat
oops http://www.lfgss.com/thread123.html sorry this thread.
Dog in the city.... If you can't take it to work its not really fair (I mean if you are doing 9-5 5 days a week).
I agree with the rest, if you work from home, are a freelancer, or just want to spend allot on having another person look after your dog 40 hours a week! You can.
Or just find a job were its okay for your dog to come!
There doesn't seem to be anything recently in the stolen bike thread about a blue Condor http://www.lfgss.com/thread123-72.html if you just found it in the street, i guess put up a couple flyers near were you found it??
Great effort with reuniting it with its owner hope you succeed.
Hi, am new sorry if this question has already been answered:
Have just bought my first fixie, and followed advice in the locks thread (http://www.lfgss.com/thread17938.html) and got a 16mm D-lock, but having read this thread am considering getting a 2nd lock. But if thieves have power tools will this really make much difference?