Thanks guys, didn't want you to tear into me for doing it wrong plus everyone should know 'more is the new less'...
nyquil, born and raised in Yardley, lived all over (London, Sydney and NYC briefly) and now residing in Selly Park so not far from you. Silver Bianchi eh? Do you go down the Pershore Rd to get into town, you might be the chap who keeps trying to race me and my housemate!? Seen a lot of you Bianchi folk around lately!
Hello all, been lurking round a little while now and thought I'd start making proper use of it!
I'm Jess, 21, Birmingham...spent a good while living in London though so the roads here are appalling in comparison! Riding a SS Raleigh which I'm converting atm (need a fixed sprocket!) and am about to start a polo build too. Been blogging for a little while at http://femmepedale.blogspot.com - just trying to encourage more ladies to get on their bikes (not just when the bloody sun comes out!). So yeah...HI! -
Hey guys, Igor approached me outside the Vic a week or so ago about CM. I had a blue and white Raleigh frame, trying to lock it up whilst desperately needing a wee so sorry if I was rude! In Amsterdam for next CM but really want to come to the next one with flags from the bike foundry I work for and my female cyclists blog!!
There's a Bicycle Jumble Sale type thing in Kidderminster on Saturday 17th April Sam.. I'm heading over to it and Callum is too from Birmingham. Maybe you could pixk something cheap up there? I know it's a bit far off though..
Hey, can only find info for a bike jumble on the 24th? Anyone got a link for it?
That would be great cheers!