- |³|MA3K
- Edmundro
- sorethroat
- BlueQuinn
- coppiThat
- Kirth
- Simonw7
- Bike Destroyer
- middleofnowhere
- conker
- joe smith
- Rosmal
- Lucky Luciano Glover
- mc_nebula
- crimsonape
- richoking
- Rookie66 +1
- evans
- Do|/
- AcidHaus1
- Lyes888
- blind dan
- dicki
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
27.joelounge - Max
- OwenrReed - onlyh iof its raining
- ashleyisdabest
- |³|MA3K
to be completely honest in regards to cycle safety and training as much as we promote new cyclists, green environment blah blah blah it is never going to work without a decent road infrastructure with thought put towards cyclists and standardized cycle training unlike the joke that is cycle proficiency
- coppiThat
- mmccarthy
- veLLo
- joe smith
- jcgarcia
- Stradam
- skive
- hellomiles
- Snowy
- Playmaker Glover
11.Crumb - K-Dog
- Aleksi
- NurseHolliday
- rab
- Serk
- fasih
- keepsake
- Marco
- Toby
- BlueQuinn
- Bike Destroyer
- mattty
- MA3K
- SoperRiva
- Jung + Chum
- richoking
- wools
- shoots
32.Tika - Tiswas
- WasabiPeas
- crimsonape
- Malibu
- TooTallTim
- fred
- williamshatnerspants
- middleofnowhere
- Velocio
- photoben
- weazlepopper
- Library Music
- Ellis
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
- mc_nebula
49.Peekay - kisu_shimo
- party_paul
- Huge16
- Volcomape
- bednarz
- greys
- Pistoffski
- ChriSF
58.theteleflorist - duracellbunny
62.joelovesfixed(2)- easy for me to get to the start as my dad lives in blackheath :)
63.john h - Ricochet
- ashleyisdabest
- coppiThat
thats alrite m8 it woz a fun if nt soaked ride cheers all