London friend of Bendix
Bristol friend of Bendix
oh this is soo part of my summer century plan (well plan ish) im doing the olympic ride on here in the morning then coasting to reading to catch a train, anyone else up for that epicness let me know
perfect, this ride in the morning, slow doddle back into town then train to bristol for the exodus
- andyp
- spybot
- smiff
- jonny
- Cornelius Olympicfoot
- senor Bear
- adoubletap
- Louis c
- ian (conker)
- Ramsaye
- Damo
- marcom
- Devil's Falcon
- pp
- middleofnowhere
- LittleHeather
- lardboy
- richoking
- Sean
- ms.chris
- citron
- jenny j
- photoben
- skydancer
- ashleyisdabest
- andyp
I thought ashleyisdabest rode home as well, although he may have gone on his own? Quite impressed that he did the DD, then rode out to potters bar and back in again after the ride.
yeah i rode home too, back to docklands not too sure how much i clocked in yesterday must have been a fair mileage, definitely up for one of the deluxe rides, not sure which one though, hmmm have to think..
I have one of these in orange unused 46t, brought it for twenty and its unused so u can have it for 10-15squid
was a great ride everyone, nice to meet ian and stuart from ipswich in the pembury beforehand and ride half the way with them, also big kudos to the lovely guy from bermondsey who chatted about all things bike on the way back to ipswich, all and all a great ride, glad its pissing it down heavy as i write this at home, perfect riding conditions, i am off to soak my muscles out, l8rs
Birmingham to London (Brixton, Bethnal Green, Borough?) Tues 2nd August
- MG
- 4ndy
- mastershredder
- N3il
- CasaSteve
- daylightbombings
- EQ Fox
- fade
- VerityAnn
- danwentskiing + mrswentskiing (on the tandem)
- ashleyisdabest
London to Folkestone (then onto Bourbourg for the team) Weds 3rd August
- MG
- 4ndy
- mastershredder
- N3il
- Stonehedge
- ashleyisdabest
- MG
2.TK - Clintsmoker
- smiff :-)
- Bainbridge :-) :-)
- Fussballclub
- Sean (fixed hopefully)
- braker, not flaker.
- middleofnowhere
- Gustav
- BenJam
- poots (including vagina)
- Bike Destroyer (imagine a very happy face, I will not use ':-)' on here. Damn)
- Des
- ashleyisdabest
im in noob to tnrc and fixed to join the others :)
1 . Ma 3 k
2 . Sumo
3 . TheorySwine
4 . smiff
5 . Velocio
6 . cyclotron 3 k
7 . skive
8 . BlueQuinn
9 . middleofnowhere- Gav86
- Roymund
- CG in like Flynn
- braker all over it like a flannel
- dimi3
- Fieldcoil
- Marco
- T 4
- kattiep
- supertony
- Cafewanda
- hartxander
- the -same -sky
- John H
- ladystardust
- Nigel 182
- ian (conker)
- Jogger
- catfood
- Teee and a few
- Tommy Mac
- Fox
- ziska
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- laner
- Oldskoolracer
- yasi
- ashleyisdabest
- Gav86
i am sooo gutted im going to miss this unfortunately i have work during the day, i have been following this thread since it appeared and i absolutely love the concept, ill probably end up doing it anyway solo some point once the route has been posted and comments have been made, good luck everyone, im mega jealous