so on this after the wicked Cambridge ride on saturday!
- (in spirit if not in flesh) Cornelius OxfordDonfoot
- damolyen library
- Arducius (+Dorset Dash)
- Sainsburys Ed
- Jung + Chum.
- skive
- K-Dog
- St. John's College H
- FridayMarch26th (+Dorset Dash)
- dimi3
- ziska
- braker (+Dorset Dash)
- dicki
- pajamas
- Clubman
- katie-coo (fingers crossed)
- gearless society
- Aleksi
- conker
- dougiestyle
- ummar01. pow
- allensea (gears)
- skiver: just to find out who skive is - nick thief! :-)
- Skullygiate system
- Mo_mo
- wools
- (in spirit if not in flesh) Cornelius OxfordDonfoot
it was a super ride, glad i had today to just sleep though (on my front as my ridiculous looking sunburnt back isn't liking contact with anything but after-sun) but i'm already looking forward to the oxford ride.
for those of you who were interested in coming to do some kayaking, has the info:
every Wednesday
7.30 - 9.30 pm
£3 per session
at laburnum boat club, laburnum st. hackney
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=51.53546,-0.073602&daddr=&geocode=&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=19&sll=51.535562,-0.073562&sspn=0.000964,0.002068&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=19 -
No but yeah but... If you can to 40 you can do 60 sign up...
well thanks for the support, i guess its only 20 on what iv done. yep alright il be there!
- (in spirit if not in flesh) Cornelius Cambridgefoot
- damo (will be wearing light blue for this one)
- joe smiff
- Jung + chum.
- theteleflorist
- FridayMarch26th
- John H (fuck the fen poly, I'll wear dark blue)
- rab
- katie-coo (hopefully +1)
- ziska
- dicki
- spybot
- jaygee
- jameslamont1984
- middleofnowhere
- conker
- Edmundro
- mo_mo
- Aleksi
- goreggiego (Reynolds Cycling Cap)
- stevo_com (so long as I get the Vag in time)
- Samuelson
- wools
- joelovesfixed(2) with gears! (not my gears though)
- fussballclub
- hoonz (provisional, may not be able to make it)
- dougiestyle
- (in spirit if not in flesh) Cornelius Cambridgefoot
hello people,
im looking for a decent 165mm or 170mm chainset, as im currently running a very old and weighty cottered double! Would like to get a Miche Primato Advanced but cant really fork out for a new one at the moment. would also be interested in any campag, dura ace or surgino.
All offers and any advice welcomed!
Thanks -
- coppiThat
- mmccarthy
- veLLo
- joe smith
- jcgarcia
- Stradam
- skive
- hellomiles
- Snowy
- Playmaker Glover
- Crumb
- K-Dog
- Aleksi
- NurseHolliday
- rab
- Serk
- fasih
- keepsake
- Marco
- Toby
- BlueQuinn
- Bike Destroyer
- mattty
- MA3K
- SoperRiva
- Jung + Chum
- richoking
- lyes888
- wools
- shoots
- Tika
- Tiswas
- WasabiPeas
- crimsonape
- kneeldown
- TooTallTim
- fred
- williamshatnerspants
- middleofnowhere
- Velocio
- photoben
- weazlepopper
- Library Music
- Ellis
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
- Reeen
- Peekay
- kisu_shimo
- party_paul
- Huge16
- Volcomape
- bednarz
- greys
- Pistoffski
- ChriSF
- theteleflorist
- duracellbunny
- henrycollie
- Guerillaphoto
- joelovesfixed(2)
- john h
- Ricochet
- Gatti
- Skully
- lardboy
- erictheking
- hartxander+2
- JD
- Rookie 66
- FridayMarch26th
- Rauri
- Red Stripe
- strech_birdseed
- Digby
- iklo
- allensea
- polowannabe
- VeeVee
- habs
- dobbo
- wilsyzy
- mustardbeak
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- DC100
- tnewmark +2
- Gav88
- Harry.
- d14vd_h
- The 5th Floor
- xrawrx
- xrawrx
- goodhead
- R__Y
- spybot
- cani
- velib
- Teee
- Willabo
- Oldskoolracer
- Zazkar
- Pistanator
- Trnk
- Sweaty
- Cameltoe
- Shantytown
- jemma
- SheepBoy
- lazyday
- bearfoot
- Jazzvendor
- izgard
- Macca81
- Rubix
- Julez
- brendann
(fixed the list)
119 charged
120 skydancer
121 Wicksie
122 Wicksie's gf
123 Wicksie's housemate.
124 Nishiki (+1?)
125 mac10(+2)
126 shiniqa
127 not4sale
128 DougieStyle
why am i going to do this i got a 11.5 mile ride just to get to blackheath!
- coppiThat
- Velocio
- Dicki
- M.F
- Wicksie
- Skully
- sorethroat
- wools
- cake
- richoking
- joe smith
- teenslain
- stuPidpony
- coppiThat
- Zane Chaos
- Jung
- PosMal
- kisu_shimo
- ChainBreaker
- upstart
- chang
- mikec Alcohol consumption from last night precludes bike riding
- furious tiles
- jogger
- lyes888
- ive2dogs
- Sumo
- teddy
- Crumb
- OwenReed
- mc_nebula - with bike sound system
- Huge16
- Psy
- jcgarcia
- dave4
- Propeller
- velib
- conker
- crispin_lover
- Olaf von Pokemon
- xwielorybx
- crimsonape
- Clara
- Rascal
- Ivandaterrible
- aimka
- howradmichello
- AntoCuc
- 50/14
- Yoshka
- middleofnowhere
- Ricochet
- party_paul + mrs party_paul
- nebulus
- somebody
- fixiexplay
- JD
- Chinkone
- volcomape
- bednarz
- ftony
- Glenn
- rookie66 (and others whom i shall be dragging to this glorious event!!!!)
- icefall
- spam
- Hoonz
- JAH tim
- joelovesfixed(2) + couple of mates (if i can get the new bike sorted in time)
- The_Eggman
- photoben
- Ark Minor
- Afternoon
- Maximum
77.wilsyzy - yogicabbage
- ziska + mematies
- charlesreza +1
- JackFlash
- shaw
- Re-cycled
- No Sense Needed
- John H
- Paramounted +1
- Pistanator +2
- Pistoffski
- Ufrasia
- Well, is it
- Butters
- Mrs Butters
- izgard
- Sniffy
- cliveo + buttock
- nbodyfuckswtheJesus +2ish
- hartxander +3
- villa-ru
- Sammy Dodger
- alien +2ish
- Radius
- emab
- OldSkoolRacer
- veLLo
- Deluka +1
- Scary
- Pink
- dimi3
- Mikey5000
- Gatti
- robvalentine
- braker (FYI, i'll have a teal hanky in my pocket)
- bodieanddoyle (no hanky in my pocket)
- cyclotron3k (don't know anyone, but why the heck not!
- Tash
- Superprocessional
- pascalo
- Betty (newbie who also doesn't know anyone)
- Rascale (know very few people)
- s1mon (only met a few lfgss folks too)
- DougieStyle (i know no one! and may be on my lonsome)
- Velocio
hmm yeah that not realy going to work, sad times thanks anyway buddy.