For sale I have some home made straps. I know a lot of people on here have made them and I don't wish to step on anyone's toes... I made ten pairs, 8 of which have gone to friends and I have 2 pairs left that I want rid of. £20 each.
Plus I got a little more info and photos on my blog:
http://nosenseneeded.wordpress.com/2010/04/02/packing-a-strap/send me a pm or holler if you want more info.
Thanks -
This is more of an ongoing project rather than a current... but I've making some bags for a while now. check em out.
for some older ones.
Like I said it's not current current but I'm new to the forum and wanted to show you what I've been up to.
Some new ones to follow. -
anyone test riding on of these?
looks lovely.... -
- Velocio
- Dicki
- M.F
- Wicksie
- Skully
- sorethroat
- wools
- cake
- richoking
- joe smith
- teenslain
- stuPidpony
- coppiThat
- Zane Chaos
- Jung
- PosMal
- kisu_shimo
- ChainBreaker
- upstart
- chang
- mikec
- furious tiles
- jogger
- lyes888
- ive2dogs
- Sumo
- teddy
- Crumb
- OwenReed
- mc_nebula - with bike sound system
- Huge16
- Psy
- jcgarcia
- dave4
- Propeller
- velib
- conker
- crispin_lover
- Olaf von Pokemon
- xwielorybx
- crimsonape
- Clara
- Rascal
- Ivandaterrible
- aimka
- howradmichello
- AntoCuc
- 50/14
- Yoshka
- middleofnowhere
- Ricochet
- party_paul + mrs party_paul
- nebulus
- somebody
- fixiexplay
- JD
- Chinkone
- volcomape
- bednarz
- ftony
- Glenn
- rookie66 (and others whom i shall be dragging to this glorious event!!!!)
- icefall
- spam
- Hoonz
- JAH tim
- joelovesfixed(2) + couple of mates (if i can get the new bike sorted in time)
- The_Eggman
- photoben
- Ark Minor
- Afternoon
- Maximum
77.wilsyzy - yogicabbage
- ziska + mematies
- charlesreza +1
- JackFlash
- shaw
- Re-cycled
- No Sense Needed
This will be my first CM and I'm new to lfgss... double whammy!
- Velocio
all gone.