Yeah, they did a song about a shark or something that was good and they did another one where they split the room in half and started a running battle between the two sides. It got bloody. Thing with Thrash/Death gigs in the US is you always get somebody taking it a bit seriously and there was this one guy getting all WWF with his shirt off in the middle of the floor proper punching anybody that got even close to him.
That doesn't happen when Stryper play.
I saw Municipal Waste support Suicidal Tendencies in Portland a couple of years back. They were funny but not exactly 'good'. I mean, yeah, they were talented but it was a bit like a tongue-in-cheek time travel back to '86.
Made me wish Exodus were still together... Are Exodus still together?
High On Fire were boring as fuck live and Pikey should have stayed with SLEEP. Sleep were awesome live. Also, guy needs to put his shirt on unless he wants to join Manowar.
Mastodon OWN
you know, you're probably right... about the bike that is not the holocaust, although I wasn't there so can't say for sure about that either.
i just have a hard time with the whole:
'hey everybody! look at my bike! it's my pride and joy but i have to sell it!'
forum - 'it's shit, kill yourself.'
where is the love?
stuck in fucking germany. this and raspberry imitation jaffa cakes are pretty much all that is keeping me going....
Would be massively interested in the below, if anybody has any thoughts:
Top 5 Metal Albums of all time excluding: 'Reign', 'Ride', 'Master', 'Number' and 'Piece of'...
...so for a lot of people basically the second half of your Top Ten Metal Albums ever.