The wheels are worthless... Give them to me...
okey mate, go catch!!!! hoopp hoooppp!
Would of thought a Carlton would have a wrap over stay? Like this one... on my now completed Raleigh Carlton which for some god damn reason had to have a god awful Mirage 115mm Bottom bracket used... Christ sake.
i would have think the same, some related story background about this frame was my 2nd thought either. this frame was shortened, from 55 to 49 to fit the pre-owner needs.
All are brand new, never been setup yet. No mark of usage at all. Still in box.
The purple crank dust cap&bolt is missing. Otherwise, it's complete.144BCD/PCD, with 165mm crank arm length.
175quids each, only Paypal payment please (you add fee by 4%). Shipping would be 15 quids each.
Dibs are follow by PM, you can post reply here, but PM is better.
chen, may i please??? shipping wouldn't be a problem right?