Right, I've had a dig around my shed and found a pair of these 600 7sp levers:http://velobase.com/ViewComponent.aspx?id=75c91ac5-4408-49e5-a9f1-d6581e1be9d5
The levers are in good nick (obviously used but perfectly presentable), and they still have the flat style bosses that I cut down so they'd fit my TVT - not perfect but at least you won't have to butcher any of your own and you'd have to be very picky to notice. The chrome has flaked a bit on the bosses though. Pm me if interested. -
Those gear lever bosses are getting hard to find I agree, especially the flat ones you're after. If you already have a pair of tatty bosses of the other type you can just grind the raised bits flat with a dremel so it sits flat to the frame. I did this with my TVT and several Vitus and you'd never know.
lolz over on retrobike
http://www.retrobike.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=186544 -
Every type you'll ever need here:
http://www.hlloydcycles.com/page4.htm -
I gave up after Mk3 so didn't try the Mk 4. Two failures and 3 attempts to rectify the problem by IRD was enough for me to lose faith. There was a good reason Suntour and Maillard were fitted to pretty much every bike as standard back then and they are still a good second hand choice today so long as they're not too worn. Very well engineered.
In 35 years of regular cycling the only freewheels I've ever had fail on me without warning were the IRDs.fixedrob: apologies for the chit-chat but hopefully you'll find the info of some use to you.
Sjs have lots in stock, IRD especially make the best one.
I disagree with this entirely Ed. It's been well documented that IRD had massive problems with the Mk1 version where the pawls would randomly fail to engage with the teeth. This was traced to a design error and supposedly corrected with version 2. It wasn't.
I bought a Mk2 and this failed while pulling away at a set of lights and I fell off and damaged my frame.
This was replaced under warranty for a Mk3 which did exactly the same thing within 400miles, this time while getting out of the saddle up a steep hill. I hear the Mk4 is now sorted but I wouldn't take the risk, especially for the £40 or whatever they're asking.I now stick to second hand or NOS Suntour or Shimano (any flavour seem tough). Also, those cheap Zenith ones of which Hilary has some of for about £15 are very good for the money. They often pop up on Retrobike too.
This is an awesome frame
Seconded. In fact, I'd rather have a Tange Prestige tubeset over 631 and I say that as a huge Reynolds fan. When it first came out it was pitched closer to 753 than 531 because it was a heat treated, thinner version of one of it's lesser tubes, Tange number 1, (just as 753 was to 531). I have a late 80's Rossin Prestige made from it and I love it.
Low volume builders in the states love shat shit too but it's getting harder to get hold of these days.P.S. I have no connection to the seller!!
Dibs headset, pending pics and if you'd be willing to post.