I used this before, worked great and pretty foolproof.
Deal: 3M 39073 Headlight Lens Restoration Kit to Restore Dull/Faded/Discoloured Headlights https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0078IHJ1K/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_dl_WBNWZ61WYSY6J3V1VZ2X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
*You need a drill
Got the seat post (mostly) out of the Serotta built glider I got cheap off here. Annoyingly, there's like an inch left of it that has slipped down in the tube and is impossible to get out, think it's going to stay..
Need some forks, I think they came with columbus tusks originally. I've never bought forks though, are there any pitfalls to avoid? Ta!
I've got a load of these, thought about making some mini machetes or cleavers. I'm not sure what they're made of though, is there any way to tell? I presume they were hardened originally