If I wanted to go swimming tomorrow* where would be the best place? Somewhere I don't need to be a member, that's cheap, clean and I can do lengths until my arms fall off?
- I do.
Crystal Palace 50m every time.. No bar to hold on to at either end so you just have to keep going.. £2.55 off-peak (9 - 5)
Seems clean to me but not to my Viennese friend... As long as you've never swum in Vienna it will seem perfect. Is nice with dappled sun on the water but that's not going to happen...
- I do.
I don't think sloppy driving is a calculated crime – with the consequences weighed up beforehand. That's not to say it's not serious or very dangerous.
Where you sit on the line between Punishment vs Education is personal but at least giving the education option a try means there will be some data (on reoffending rates) in the future.
Would you pass your test driving sloppily? Would you pass eating pot noodle/reading a Mills & Boon novel/drinking from a china mug/writing your memoirs in an A4 spiral bound notebook? - all of which things I've seen? They should all be banned!
Why aren't all these speed awareness etc. courses part of the test? That's what I want to know.. It's too late after you've rendered someone paraplegic.
Justice will never be served until DCI John Oldham is in charge of the CPS. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/public/cyclesafety/article3317831.ece
RIP... My sincere condolences to this poor cyclist's grieving family and friends. -
If anyone is going to the 'Planning and Design' session on 6th February, I hope they take the statistics of drivers who have mounted the pavement and killed pedestrians in the past year. Raised kerbs and paint do nothing. I won't be out there until there until there is a complete Sentence Review.
I've sent my rantings via Amy Aeron-Thomas, hoping she can separate the wheat from the chaff. None of it's chaff in my opinion, apart from the norty words.
Had a puncture since June.... Pining.. I'll never make it up Westerham Hill ever again at this rate.
What a total nightmare for his family... He must have been an incredibly skilled and experienced cyclist to have survived until the age of 48.
RIP poor cyclist... My sincere condolences to his family. I have written to my MP re the validity of juries comprising solely of motorists. This is assuming this poor man's death is even deemed worthy of a court case.
I'm fairly certain he did not mean to kill anyone. I'm also fairly certain he does not feel like a "winner" for having killed someone.
And it is terrible that someone died. More terrible than the person responsible feeling bad, of course. But the big issue is not punishment. The big issue is prevention. If you want to get your pitchforks out, join the Daily Mail comments section.
This is the whole reason I've virtually given up cycling... They are always let off because "they did not set out that morning intending to kill someone". But their actions make it inevitable. Even if they did intend to kill someone, they could deny it in court (unless they had committed it to their diary like in the final scene of 'Kind Hearts and Coronets') and then after their show of carefully coached 'remorse' they could read the copy in the papers next morning about how they were 'obviously devastated' and 'understandably distraught'. Utter bollocks...
Anyone who covers their windows in this film doesn't care about anyone outside the car. I would also prosecute the person who applied the film and the companies who manufacture it.
I normally press delete at this stage but in memory of Sam Harding and the former very wonderful Mary Bowers, I'm not going to.
Punishment f****** well is the answer!
Thinking of Sam's family at this time and also the family of James Darby, who received no justice. http://www.darkerside.org/bikestuff/doored/
Staff wanted at Cadence Crystal Palace:
Good all-rounder with cycle retail experience or background in coaching. Contact Des.. des@cadenceperformance.com
[FONT=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial][SIZE=2]I've just got my pathetic gene[SIZE=2]r[/SIZE]ic reply from the pathetic BBC:
[SIZE=2]"'[/SIZE]War on Britain’s Roads’ is a serious examination of the relationship between cyclists and other road users. The documentary is driven by first hand personal testimony and is mainly centred around a series of individual incidents and the personal experiences of those involved. The film set out to explore real-life stories and is not a comprehensive investigation into every aspect of cycling. It is about the relationship between cyclists and drivers rather the pros and cons of cycling. The programme uses actual footage of real incidents to provoke discussion and investigates the outcomes and consequences of several of the incidents captured and features interviews with both cyclists and drivers. Viewers are left to form their own opinions based on the facts.
Raising awareness of these issues, on a primetime BBC One programme, can only be a positive thing for both cyclists and other road users. We hope that you watch the programme and then form your own opinions."
[SIZE=2]I am not inclined to pay my licence fee next year.... = 14 days i[SIZE=2]m[/SIZE]prisonment[SIZE=2]. [/SIZE] Hmm... Time to read [SIZE=2]'A la R[/SIZE]echerche du [SIZE=2]T[/SIZE]emps [SIZE=2]P[/SIZE]erdu'[SIZE=2]! [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]J[/SIZE]ust need to keep on the right side of Big Debs on D [SIZE=2]Block...[/SIZE][/SIZE]
I'm not sure I followed all of that Oliver... I really tried though. One thing that leapt out was "fatigue/lack of attentiveness" leading to things. This is never an excuse for anything in my opinion. I was so attentive after I passed my driving test that I didn't even switch the radio or heating on for a year, such was my attentiveness and sense of responsibility to other human beings on the road.
Catering to the lowest common denominator is what has brought us to this current cesspit of existence.
I'm only like this because I can't ride my bike..........
Any chance you have the company name? I would go through their legal dept if so - seems to work in my experience..
Also in my experience, the police will do absolutely nothing, They are just there for the pension. They will say "It's not our job", or "You imagined it", or "We'll look into it" (and then lose the paperwork, if there was any, if they even have the wit generate paperwork) or laugh, or snigger and make lewd remarks..
I would be willing to pay into a fund for civil prosecutions at this point. There seems no other way.
RIP Daniel Cox, mown down at Dalston Junction by one such as this.