The battery in my Google pixel 3a is finally starting to wear out. Thinking about trying to replace with this: https://store.ifixit.co.uk/products/google-pixel-3a-battery-genuine
Anyone experience with this sort of thing? Worth doing with a phone that's pretty "old" now anyway?
I took me ages to realise my reach was longer when I moved from rim to hydraulic disc brakes. It should be talked about more.
On a separate note I've a question about bike set up as your functionality, core strength, flexibility increase. I've improved quite a bit in this area recently and on recent rides I feel that, not only could I tolerate a higher saddle position, I think I possibly should in order to be more comfortable and functional. Is this something that people generally find?
Looking for a digital watch for cycling and general outdoor activities. Doesn't have to be a smart watch/ GPS/ sports specific. I have a GW-M5610U-1ER which is great but I like the idea of something a bit more legible along the lines of the new MIPS display watches. The G Shock MIPS ones though look a fair bit bulkier than the classic square ones - which I'm not keen on. Any thing I should be looking at?
The chain (kmc Z1) that came on my Genesis Day One with nexus 8 rear hub has worn out. It's done around 8 months - bike used as a town bike & for v short commutes. Bit quicker than I would expect - but I admit it didn't get cleaned/ relubed v often
Any recommendations for 3/32 chain single speed chain with decent durability?
Looking at doing Traws Eryri
Recommends a hardtail MTB but that seems mainly based on gearing and tyre size. So, I'm thinking my Vagabond with a low gearing and 29er MTB tyres might be OK. Anyone done the route and any have any thoughts on bike choice?
There's a heel wedge type thing that came inside my lake cycling shoes under the stock insoles. I use g8 with insoles with form heel wedge on the right foot so not sure I need this lake thing but don't want to discard in case it's useful. It's made of a foam material and sits loose in the shoe. Does anyone know if it's useful? I've just left them on for now and don't seem to be having any issues.
Somehow I appear to be around 4 cm shorter than I thought I was. I was sure I was around 186cm or 6'1'' for ages. Measuring myself recently it's more like 182-184cm (6'). Am now 44. Surely middle age doesn't involve such loss in height?
I've always ridden 58cm bikes, but have been finding them too large, so kind of makes sense. Annoyingly might have swap out the frames on my bikes.
What is everyone's views of Mapdec?
Quite enjoy the content and appreciate the focus on quality engineering etc. Like a lot of youtubers though there always seems to be something about BB misalignment etc. When did bikes become so prone to these issues? I'm sure there never used to be such a number of BB issues up until the last couple of years.