i got myself one of these about 6 months back in TKmaxx for £35
works well enough though the straps a little long, gonna modify that and add in one of them stabilizing strap things, other then its pretty sweet, and hard wherein, though not very good looking. still dose the job but I'd never use the combi lock nonsense.
As for the Sheldon method being 'stupid', quite the courtesy it's not, it's quick and easy to do, and even though it's entirely possible to cut the rims to take the bike, there's a better way to do it;
When you do this, you must fill in any kind of gap, the more gap you filled in, the less room/movement there is, if there's room to put your crank in, do it, it may take a bit of time figuring and adjusting the bike to make it fit, but once you done it, it's pretty impossible to remove.
thats how i do mine, high five
I meant the whole High St, area from the tube all the way up to the market. Pissed up cunts all over the place - I even saw a girl sat on her own, legs crossed in a pool of piss! She was absolotuely steamin. Then you get to the tube and there's an ambulance and two OB cars and a van, someone had take a kickin.....
The place is a dive, worse than Leicester Sq, like Blackpool but without the sea, tower, pleasurebeach and donkeyshave to agree their with you,
one time was followed up inverness street buy a Somali gang,(was told they where Somali but a friends cop aunt from camden) lucky i was heading to that pub on there what winhouse is always in
and the other time witness 3 white guys fuck up two black guys for being black outside the virgin that is now H&M
lovely place
Did Aids do those?
noo bobby bob bob did them,
How was the tattoo near the armpit. My mate got one of those which wrap around the arm and he said the armpit bit hurts like a biatch
teh pit is a bitch, but not the worst i've had, i can only say that bit of ribs was 'sharp' pain, not the normal dull pain
if you get me
all i can say is, i did it and you don't want to be the cunt who's rude,
i found the best thing you can do is don't read from the speech, use it as a bullet point sheet and have a rough idea of where your going, it makes it more flowing and more natural,
also don't bring down anyone in the speech bar the groom or mutual friends of you and the groom as then you know your on safe ground.
start with a compliment saying how nice the wedding is etc, joke or two, then somethign heart felt, the big joke, and close on a toast, mine was something like this
'bit about ceromy and that looking nice
first joke was something like when i first me the groom, we where made to sit next to each other in year 7, i remember back then thinking, who's this joker? unfortunatly he whouln't go away so we had to become friends,
bit about how i know them together and how nice they are. etc etc
main joke was ' when we where in about year 9, walking acorss the old uni carpark in town we found a whole bag of porn mags, the holy grail of porn, way before the internet was in boob city as it is now. and we took them mags and examined them, we where the kings of the playground for a whole week, now obviously this collection was dumped buy someone who was getting married, so i hope the groom has returned the magazinees back to where we found them sothe next genaration can enjoy them.
and then a toast
simple as, just be funny, not crass, minimal swereing also, then everyone is happy.
woop woop indeed.
@graeme_ i think i was at your house last night, you live with hannah? yours was the peugeot in the hallway?yup, thats me,
how did you work that out? -
Ok not exactly the same, but correct place