matt, as an appreciator (is that how you spell it?) of moser frames, check out this beaut -
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MOSER-TIME-TRIAL-TRACK-FRAME-PURSUIT-PISTA-FIXED-GEAR-/280502533691?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item414f40fe3b -
thats how all my nights out go down.
only the hippest of hipsters have these -
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Arm-Warmer-Fixed-Gear-Bike-Messenger-Emo-Tattoo-Style-/160434236351?cmd=ViewItem&pt=US_Men_s_Athletic_Apparel&hash=item255aa02bbf -
you better believe it ;)
in all fairness i would never get there tattooed, bit pointless innit?
want my throat done mind.
on another note, managed to strip my formula hub yesterday doing a sitting down skid. fucking awful quality!
but its all good, goldtec from now on - indestructible.
like the sound of this band playing at cog! -
so much for 30mph wheelies, you're ahead of the game man ;)