Though started out on this originally lolz:
damn thems some high rise bars!
cool to see this is kicking off :)
@ swede, ive got a chukker laced to a profile mini ss bmx hub if you're after a solid as fuck front wheel?
@ chikin - 'half a charge plug freestyler frame(at the back) up front ive got reynolds 653 with a sheet steel gusset' - got any pics???
it is coming as a complete (thats the whole point of the project they have going with the slumworm crew), they want to release it for under $1000.
charge plug freestyler? waay too heavy.
subrosa malum is decent -
or their 2011 model -
http://www.evanscycles.com/products/subrosa/letum-fixed-2011-single-speed-bike-ec024068 -
figured it might be an idea to try and get to know the trick community a bit better, as there aint all too many of us??
Im based in newcastle, im the only guy who likes tricks up here (that im aware of) and i ride an esb :) the bikes a bit different now but this is the most recent pic i could find....
strapped 2 old skate decks to the esb, went down a few hills, too much fun, pics to follow!