I can't believe that people are being negative about such a positive and successful event.
There has been NO cronyism in this, but lets face it, if Teddy and Jacqui wanted to cherry pick who attended they would have every right to do so - it's their event!!!
We are all their guests, and should behave as such.
Shame on you!
- Bearfoot
- WjPrince - first forum ride.
- BenJam
- Sumo
- hartxander
- pt
- TheorySwine
- 'riva
- skydancer
- Hobo
- b&d
- skive
- superjoe +southwest fixie massive
- Lynx (bike unsure)
- Scratchy
- BlueQuinn.
- Crumb
- zazkar
- Marco
- Velocio
- Ramaye
- dimi3
- upstart
- ian (conker)
- BrainScraper
- Oldskoolracer
- Boggle
- spybot
- JohnH
- dicki
- Ware
- braker
- middleofnowhere
- FridayMarch26th
- Pistanator
- Fox
- George Sportif
- Monsta
- timmah
- Kirth
- tom k&e (if I'm healed in time)
42, sherbertflyingsaucer - pootsmanuva
- katie-coo
- thecarsonmccullers
- Paula Radcliffe
- kev83 + friend or two
- lardboy
- smifffffff
- JD (lets see if we can get on the BBC news again Hiya!!!!!)
- laner
- The_BMX-KId
- HatBeard
- Igloo69 (special needs)
- polowannabe
- Doktor P.
- Grispin Clover
- Brave
- Mrs Brave
- the lush
- Mrs. the lush
- AcidHaus1
- ziska
- Bearfoot
1 . Ma 3 k
2 . Sumo
3 . TheorySwine
4 . smiff
5 . Velocio
6 . cyclotron 3 k
7 . skive
8 . BlueQuinn
9 . middleofnowhere- Gav86
- Roymund
- CG in like Flynn
- braker all over it like a flannel
- dimi3
- Fieldcoil
- Marco
- T 4
- kattiep
- supertony
- Cafewanda
- hartxander
- the -same -sky
- John H
- ladystardust
- Nigel 182
- ian (conker)
- Jogger
- catfood
- Teee and a few
- Tommy Mac
- Fox
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- laner
- Oldskoolracer
- yasi
- ashleyisdabest
- Murtz
I'm out : ( .... upside - I haz tickets to see the best nz band in the world. Whoop!
- Gav86
Awesome day! so nice to catch up with you cats after the winters break...bring on the summer rides! Fran x