Got a load of photos put up, just waiting for the mod to approve them. In the meantime you can see them here:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/63561349@N06/sets/72157627598389076/ -
IMG_2176 by danieljsoul, on FlickrWe begin!
IMG_2179 by danieljsoul, on FlickrUnfortunately for Dropout this was one of four (five?) punctures...
IMG_2181 by danieljsoul, on FlickrFox surveying another puncture.
IMG_2184 by danieljsoul, on FlickrUp the rear.
IMG_2186 by danieljsoul, on FlickrThis was an incredible T-junction. Can't remember the name.
IMG_2194 by danieljsoul, on FlickrView from the bridge in the port town. Other side.
IMG_2198 by danieljsoul, on FlickrAt the pub.
IMG_2199 by danieljsoul, on FlickrThey couldn't get enough of the arts and crafts
IMG_2201 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
IMG_2204 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
IMG_2207 by danieljsoul, on FlickrIn the visitor's centre. Very basic facilities available to the group, unfortunately.
IMG_2208 by danieljsoul, on FlickrLook at this fucking hipster.
IMG_2209 by danieljsoul, on FlickrSea ahoy.
IMG_2217 by danieljsoul, on FlickrTender moments.
IMG_2220 by danieljsoul, on FlickrThe Broomway. The tide is emphatically 'in'.
IMG_2222 by danieljsoul, on FlickrX1 guard tower full of SAS (unconfirmed)
IMG_2230 by danieljsoul, on FlickrDeep in thought.
IMG_2233 by danieljsoul, on FlickrDeeper in thought.
IMG_2234 by danieljsoul, on FlickrCheating here as this was taken from the train back.
IMG_2241 by danieljsoul, on FlickrThis too.
Thanks again to all and especially Fox for a beautiful, weird and occasionally unnerving ride. Like, the 'no tanks' sign? What kind of gear do they HAVE in there? Awesome.
That's a bit Norman Bates isn't it?
Bit of extra reading on Foulness to excite you... http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/4283227.foulness__wide_open_spaces_of_beauty_and_decay/
What about a forum ride (not on the day of though) for this route? Surely this could be knocked out in a day (with an early start)? Then fiver to the forum, a fiver to the charity and a one beer donation to whoever whacks the route on their Garmin? I'd parse it out myself and then send it on someone who has a Garmin (though I would potentially amend it towards the end for more beach promenade action). Or have I just hijacked a post here? If so apologies to DK01....
Can you imagine if I actually spoke like that? It is what I have true enough, but I know they aren't enough but just haven't got something brighter and better. Too far down on a list of things to buy for my bike. The USB rechargble blackrover (?), are they honestly a serious upgrade from knogs?
I think the LFGSS (Lonely Gay Bike Society) attitude just doesn't suit me. I need to toughen up and honestly not give a fuck.
This was a joke on the ride to Ayelsbury by a couple of drunk (Scottish?) women I believe when they read someone's LFGSS and made the lonely gay bike society off-the-cuff abbreviation. Just wanted to clear it up that yourmercianlover ≠ homophobic.
Can you imagine if I actually spoke like that? It is what I have true enough, but I know they aren't enough but just haven't got something brighter and better. Too far down on a list of things to buy for my bike. The USB rechargble blackrover (?), are they honestly a serious upgrade from knogs?
I think the LFGSS (Lonely Gay Bike Society) attitude just doesn't suit me. I need to toughen up and honestly not give a fuck.
CIMG0015 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0019 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0017 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0014 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0018 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0026 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0023 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0024 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0028 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0030 by danieljsoul, on FlickrAnd here is the quick video:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/63561349@N06/6068336363/in/photostreamI've done my best to upload them (again) in chronological order. Frustratingly the bloody high-end clip art uploaded earlier is almost a better representation of the ride.
My favourite moment is the look on dropouts face in the rainy one.
CIMG0015 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0019 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0018 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0017 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0013 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0019 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0014 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0023 by danieljsoul, on Flickrhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/63561349@N06/6068336363/
CIMG0025 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0026 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0030 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0028 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
CIMG0035 by danieljsoul, on FlickrAnd here's the quick video, previously hidden in the middle of the photos:
Hey fellas here are some of the photos. Already busy with work so no time for a run down (maybe I'll come back and edit in some commentary). Hopefully the link to the crappy vid will at least take you to the flickr page.
Man what a fucking ride. If Stonehenge is really going to do it again in a few weeks I may go again to make up for skipping the last 40 or so. I did stay up until 230 boozing in the pub though, so I'm feeling good about things really...
Big Dave go buy a Surley Steamroller and be done with it. Best bike at that price, you won't need to replace anything to suit you (probably) and the thing will stay great long after your taste has moved onto something else. You could look for a Charge of some description, but a steamroller will reveal your good taste/knowledge.
Unless you wanted something with gears in which case I have no fucking idea and anyway wrong forum.
Here's a few photos of us in front (well, three miles in front) of Windsor Castle and quick little video of my mate Mark accelerating towards the gate at the end
Something came up. Out at #26. Massive :(
- |³|MA3K
- ian (conker)
- smifffffffff
- superjoe (maybe)
- rab
- Fox
- middleofnowhere
- Deluka
- laner
10.Nigel182 - TartareSwine
- bodieanddoyle + Mrs b&d
- pootsmanuva
- Cafewanda
- ms.chris
- tom k&e
- T4
- Big Dave
- dimi3
- Skully
- Stu F
- MotherGirl
- Samuelson
- dublinkevin
- Linc
- fussballclub
- dropout (legend)
- braker
- Rowrowrowyourboat
- |³|MA3K
My attempt was a 630 a.m, slightly hungover attempt on Tuesday morning. Counter-clockwise from Roehampton on 44 x 17 SS. Felt not amazing starting out.
First: 21.10. Fuuuuu.......
Second 1/15: Was angry that I felt like shit and was already behind time to make it under an hour and I was not going to get faster so I spun another lap easy and went home.
Third: Would You Like to Continue? 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0...GAME OVER.Insert HTFU to Begin!
I'm in at#19 for this. If I'm feeling grand by the time we get to Windsor I'd like to ride back so would like to join those doing the same. However if I feel crap I'm taking the train and I have a Network Railcard so may be able to provide three others with discounted trainfares back. Anyways.
- andyp
- spybot
- smiff
- jonny
- Cornelius Olympicfoot
- senor Bear
- adoubletap
- Louis c
- shoots
- Ramsaye (unless I go to Watford)
- Damo
- marcom
- Devil's Falcon
- pp
- upstart
- Samuelson
- richoking
- youramericanolympian
- ms.chris
- citron
- amygdala
- jenny j
- photoben
- skydancer
- ashleyisdabest
- katie coo
- Velocio
29.Arben Zilci - braker
32 JAH o-tim-pic - Big Dave
- Edmundro + Lady Liz
35.Tobiasydney - timmah
- prezens
- OL_ympi_C
- andyp
IMG_2176 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
IMG_2186 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
IMG_2222 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
IMG_2230 by danieljsoul, on Flickr
IMG_2233 by danieljsoul, on Flickr