Let's not have a daddy dick trails off on the internet...
There's a dif between keeping trails secret and giving out directions, the place I help at is well known but I would never dream of giving out directions to it on the internet, it's just common sense, each to their own though I guess and in this case it doesn't actually matter.
I remember Pinner... old Union haunt...
All very fair. i'm just itching to get back into it i think. I'm just round the corner from Volt BMX so i guess i've no excuse but to sort myself out a new ride and get back...
I started riding BMX when i was about 16 or 17 (1996 or 97, can't quite remember) - just before trails became THE thing in BMX. it totally blew up around the summer of 1997, trails popped up everywhere and our trails became a bit of a hotspot - for Manchester/NW riders at least. But then street became the cool thing to do. I don't have a BMX anymore, largely because i moved to a big city, there weren't any trails, and I wasn't really ever interested in street riding. But if i ever get out of London - or if was able to find a spot to dig my own/help out with someone elses - i'd get back into it for sure
keep the faith, brothers
Christ in a bike!
The first rule of trails is not to give out their location... glad that's not the spot I dig at.don't quote the rules of trails to me sonny
(adopts yorkshire accent) when i were a lad you were welcome to ride anyone's trails if you'd put a few hours in with a spade, and didn't trash any lips.
Really good trails usually survive because of successive generations of riders building them up and welcoming the next generation in, on that proviso.
If you want your trails to be a secret that's fine, but in any case, Pinner's secret has been out for at least the last 14 years (when i remember pictures in Ride)
that's a lovely looking bike... a steal at 200