I live off Hannibal road in Cressy House, so just round the corner from Globe Road. Details Pm'ed, thanks for the advice. GA2G - Cheers for the tips, I'll get down there on Sunday, but gotta be at work at 11 so won't be able to stay long. If anyone else is down there, I'd really really appreciate you keeping your eyes open!
Had my FUJI TRACK '07 taken from outside my front door in the past couple of hours in Stepney Green.
It was black and logos/branding covered in black electrical tape. Had all stock parts except: ITM/Bianchi branded stem (Black), Goldfinger (bronze) front brake and San Marco Rolls Saddle (Black). I feel sick, this is the second bike I've had stolen in 3 months, thinking about giving up cycling, someone please convince me otherwise.
Was just cycling home and junction of Upper Street, Pentonville Road, City Road was all cordoned off. There was a car in the middle of the junction with a pretty smashed up windscreen, and a lot of police around. Thought I'd ask one of them if a cyclist was involved , unfortunately there was. Didn't get too much info, though according to the officer what they saw on cctv was that the cyclist jumped a red light. Hope everyone's okay.
what did the stolen bike look like?
do you know what the elderly white gentleman will be wearing tomorrow as its probably not very useful knowing what he was wearing earlier today....
the bike had two wheels and gears. But seriously the guy was a little shocked and didn't give me that info, only that it was worth £850.
Don't know about you but I only use one rucksack regularly, so I'm basically saying perform a violent citizen's arrest on any old dude with a colourful rucksack.
Hey, just thought I'd let people know but an incident today. I work in a shop on Upper St, just outside Angel tube station. Today, I saw a guy outside the shop looking quite forlorn clutching a broken cable lock. Needless to say his bike had been nicked.
One of our in-store CCTV cams point to the doorway and caught the guy who stole his bike from the railings outside. At exactly 5:30pm on one of the busiest high streets of North London this guy managed to calmly cut it free and stroll off with it.
Description: this is the surprising bit, he was about 6ft, caucasian with white hair (I'm guessing about 60s from the low res CCTV), wearing a brown jacket and colourful (green & purple?) rucksack. He didn't look like your stereotypical bike thief but this guy looked like he'd done this before. So all you guys who ride round Islington keep your eyes open.
Yeah, that's the last time I follow a group of teenagers and trust them with directions back to the route. Old Kent Road is not the way.
I was in the group who went the wrong way round the Isle of Dogs. Embarrassing. Started off at the back of the first group, ended at the top of the last group.
Still did the route, albeit a different route than most.Yeah, I did the same. Was rather embarrassing, kept expecting this dude to come down from the sky and tell us off.
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- coppiThat
- coppiThat
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- habs
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- wilsyzy
- mustardbeak
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- xrawrx
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- velib
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- coppiThat
dibs beater wheels please