I'm not comparing, I'm saying that killing lots of civilians doesnt mean you break the opponent, as Dibble has also.
Yeah, you can have legal precedent for what makes for a war crime and who's pretending Dresden didnt get bombed? Your argument came across very much as we can't point the finger at Russia when at a point in our history our ancestors did something that would today be a war crime.
And now I will go back to not debating things on the internet. -
Vietnam is a prime recent example of a nation not willing to lose, no matter the cost.
Also German terror bombing of British cities was intended to crush morale and that didn't work did it.This "Every time we accuse others of war crimes we need to think about how our own history is seen by others" is daft. The sins of the dead do not compromise our moral standpoint today.
Thanks very much for the links.
I had a look in the case and it does indeed have a hard drive, and having switched on again to remind myself of the prompts onscreen, it says "hard disk drive not ready" ahead the disk boot failure when you put the system disk in, Having had a further rummage online, it sounds like it is an HDD issue, so I might well be spending time on a duff machine. Bah. -
Sorry if not the right thread, but I have a prehistoric PC question - I'm seeing if an 80s Amstrad 1640 is working - when powering on it asks for a system disk, upon insertion there is a disk boot failure message - that's the floppy disk that's failing, not the hard drive, right? Assume it's trying to boot from the floppy....
I was ideally after the non-out front mount, can't find it on the cycliq site but looks like this:
Which I suppose would work. As per above, didn't know GoPro fitting was the same -
Didnt notice anything last night. Trail starts between Cavendish and Duckett and I binned it just before Pemberton while slowing ahead of the zebra crossing. Bloody cars, pissing streaks of doom.