m new here then first what i
ll tell its HELLO to everybody :D special HELLO to John which I meat on the Borough station playing (acctually not playing :D ) in a POLO...then i stopand spoke with John :) ...he divert me to this page and invite for a next polo meeting on tuesday. Will see :) but i think i gona be there. Anyway i
m here couse of work. Im looking for any bikes mechanic job. As a expierience I can
t get any paper but if You whant try me then...im waiting. I know few thinks as even a wheel making or swaping a headset... I was warking as a mechanic in a rickshaw base and there is a lot to do but not now...summer :) that
s why Im looking for job and for me it
s pressure now. No disappointed employers. Any propositions ? :]
I`ll be here soon to chec it...like afternoon but can be midnight.
hopefully get answer...hopefully get job...You can look at that as on a motivation letter :D
wanna pomp ? to the forks ofcourse or just anything else ? You mean You have a problem with a headset ? or just dont have any idea what to start of ? ( 0 79 32 45 66 66 )