Got a new bike coming next week, so selling on my fuji track.
Frame 49cm (few paint chips etc etc) inc forks
Headset and Stem (Ritchy)
Chainset inc BB. (FSA)
Seat post.All came with the bike, so bog standard parts.
No wheels, bars or saddle (keeping for new ride)
It'll be available from around the 11th (next Friday)
Will post pics if theres some interest. No damage (other than paint chips) from what I can tell, would make a good first fixie, polo or daily ride.
Was thinking around 150 dorrah, but happy with offers/price suggestions.
- MA3K
- owenreed
- mmccarthy
- lardboy
- teddy
- Kirth
- murmura
9.'Riva - Playmaker Glover
- Zed
- Tommy Mac
- Joe Smith
- Quinn
- Daveo
- middleofnowhere
- Yoshka
- dimi3
20.Johnny Fitz - Conservatory valuations
- Sumo
- richoking
- tom k&e
- AcidHaus1
- Fox
- Kingfisher
- ian (not conker anymore)
- Marco
- Jogger
- kattiep
- superjoe
- shinigami (tibbs)
- Roymund
- last_caress
36.oneelevenam - blind dan
- Jester
- MA3K