Sorry mate, I didn't see you.
As I drive my four by four over your broken body.
Darwinism, innit.
No mate, you didn't see me because I saw you driving your Chelsea Tractor like a cunt so I gave you a wide birth. Innit breadbin.
On a constructive note though, perhaps it would be an idea to get in touch with Barclays and have them advertise the HGV risk specifically with a campaign on their pillar things that have maps on them by their bike racks, and also their website where you sign up to the scheme. It could be in the terms and conditions of signing up that you have to read and understand and all that jazz. They could possibly even do it in conjunction with TFL. The Boris bikers would be a good demographic to target as if they don't even have bikes personally, they are hardly likely to be all that experienced on London roads. For example, how many wobbly riders on them do you see on them when there's a tube strike? Many.
It would cost to do that and who would pay for it? Even better, who would read it?
TFL run campaigns anyway specifically for it, have a peep at Moving Target for the thread there.
edit, here: http://www.movingtargetzine.com/forum/discussion/2086/dont-be-an-undertaker/#Item_0
Occaisionally, in the city, the police actually have an HGV stopped and ask passing cyclists, if they have the time to spare, to actually get into the cab and see what the driver sees. Which in regard to cyclists is fuck all.
I admire your intentions but some things are best learnt the hard way for people who don't want to listen or don't have any common sense.
Personally, I say fuck 'em. Darwinism innit?
It's not racing, it's bmx but 'The Ride of My Life' by Matt Hoffman is really good, thoroughly recommend.
I used to be a pushie courier for a while for a couple of companies and now work in the back office for another.
We've got a good fleet of riders with some tip-top top boys and a wicked controller who's been doing it here for 15 years.
If anyone wants some decent introductory offers, hit me up.
Incidently it's company policy for all our riders to: have tattoos on their calves, not have brakes, have trendy haircuts, let down hipster's tires, steal jay walkers mobile phones from out of their hands and never stop at a red light unless there's a flashing blue one next to it. It's not wrong...
^^ This tumps that sun screen^^
If you have an old pair of jeans, cut one leg off right at the top, turn it inside out, tie a knot in it, turn it back to not inside out and hey presto you have a sweet tool bag to stick in your bag. If you left it long enough the top part will fold over and keep your stuff inside safely.
Also, if you are eying up a girl from behind and are worried she may not be all that from the front, simply check out the guys reactions who are walking towards you. This is known as 'third party bintsurance.'
Another idea which is debatable if you often get your saddle nicked is to use an actual bike chain (not a lock chain but a drive train chain) to attach one or two of the rails of it to the seat stay. If your fussed about scratching the paint, use a bit of gaffer tape or a sticker on the stay and connect the chain tightly so it doesn't rub.
Personally I'm not sold on it as they may just decide to batter your wheels or something instead but you never know.
This will sound like I am taking the piss - I'm not though!
Stand the bike on it's back and wheel and get a friend to take photo of your face next to the frame number. Keep this photo in your mobile phone.
Sadly if you're bike does get nicked, there's no way you'll get it back really. Prevention is better than a cure.
But the idea posted above is a good one but a better one is to take a picture of you with it as mentioned, photocopy that picture, write a parts list on it, roll it up and stick it inside your seat post. So if you do catch them at it and there's the po po around to intervene you can prove it quick and easy with an allen key. But you'd be lucky to be in that situation...
Sounds like another good turnout, it can't have been wet again! Joni, have you completed your transformation into the Michelin Woman yet?
Missed it due to watching the mighty spurs marching through the champions league but have also managed to upset a previous injury to my wanking, er, mallet arm so will be back again as soon as.
I'm a noob here and have found it a pretty good forum and the bunch who meet up in peckham on tuesdays all seem quite sound. I have a suggestion for the mods if I may be so bold.
The only other forum I go on (except for work) is another bike one and in the classifieds section there's a sticky for good/ bad sellers. Basically if you buy or sell something you post in the thread how good the other person in the deal was. It's all in one thread so you just search that if you are arranging a deal.
I know forums aren't accountable for the legitimacy of the sales going through but it is quite a handy thread for members.
Considering all the methods already in place, perhaps the only thing left would be to administer a dry slap?