Hi Zoidberg,
I'm actually not going to be in embankment till Monday now, sitting at home with some horrible flu and all the sprockets are at work!
But let me know if you want anything and we'll sort it out next week:)
safe, i'll def have the 17, maybe both. can wait and will pick up
deal on the pair perchance?
That sounds like some sort of deal.
OK, it's yours fella.
I'm waiting to see if magpie gets back to me about the brakes and if he does i'll be meeting him at 6ish today somewhere east (if not and there's no one else, they revert to sideshow).
Once that's sorted I can arrange to meet you, prefferably tonight but if not, just after 6 tmrw or during lunch tmrw.
No jammy dodgers.
downer on the theft, but for the sake of it
if she's buying new, why didn't the shop let her do a couple of test rides?
i heard once that you can go into an Evans and they'll take all your measurements. probs worth phoning first or looking into it on the web to see if they actually have a person who can do that in store
also this maybe: http://cyclinginfo.co.uk/blog/bikes/road-bike-frame-size-guide/
£32.50 posted just first class and you can get your tracksuit off and start getting to know the sideline
unless i can sell them to someone in london tmrw eve and you can pay it into my santander acc (over the counter, no transfer) thursday, they're yours
i'll post them friday and post a pic of the post office receipt here on the same day (i have the day off work on friday)
so if not arranged to be sold tmrw eve by half 5 tmrw, they're yours and i'll pm you my bank numbers and email addy
hope that's fair, just desperately need cash for thurs eve
edit: all gone. mmm, biscuits...
These brakes have never been used. Put the front on once to find it didn't fit and that's it.
There's both front and rear:
Two saddles. The blue one has wear which you can see. The black one which does indeed look like a knob is pretty much immaculate condition.
Rather sell brakes as a pair unless I can get rid of both.
The seats I'm not expecting much for.
Offer up, want to sell quick.
London meet to buy, can meet you halfway maybes. I live in Bow, work in Bethnal.
edit: probs throw the seats in for free if you give a good price for both brakes.
@oliver schick
To be perfectly honest, I back what I said. My attitude is probably the way it is from my stint on the circuit having seen some horrific actions of people on a regular basis. You sound like a far more well balanced person than me so therefore much better suited to be doing the job that you are. So keep on keepin' on and good luck.
But specifically in reference to your post, people with no common sense aren't awesome in my book. Not saying I'm perfect but it's not like I get lost in Tesco's.
I should probably get off my soapbox now and do some work but there's less chance of that than there is of this problem actually getting solved because there will always be numpty's out there and like you say, always the chance of human error.
Given that one of the factors in the problem is a perceived lack of awareness, or an perceived inability or unwillingness to take on certain information, is it really a constructive or valid approach to say fuck it, let 'em die? That suggests to me a failure in achieving a appropriate solution.
I think it just emphasises the point that there are already a range of measures being taken to address it and that as much as you'd like, you just can't help some people. As a cyclist it should be obvious that you're the bottom of the food chain and you should act like it, ie with a sense of awareness and knowledge of the risk involved. Thing with bikes is that it's like having kids, any numpty can do it. But saying that, I am well against any kind of registration or licensing for bikes as it totally contradicts the freedom of bikes. Bikes are awesome but a lot of people who ride them aren't.
Possibly the best thing would be to make it compulsory for all vehicles of a certain size to have the signs mentioned which warn cyclists of the dangers on them that are eye level for cyclists. Can't see that happening though.
I also think that perhaps this thread would be much shorter had master scoble posted one of his many pearls of wisdom.