Are girls scared of me though? I'd like a girl rider as well!
mate, I'm not amazing - it just comes with experience. Am cycling more now than the rest of my life. A few of my mates and I head to regents park 1x/wk/fortnight to do laps... its not exciting, and there is bugger all traffic, but if you fancy it - wendnesday this week?
You're not supposed to work hard in the City. You just buy and sell shares, drink expensive wine and let the rest of the country (the Polish) do the work.
Good - cause I don't. Don't get to buy or sell shares either, or wear a suit... wine I've got covered. The Polish? Not present or accounted for at my work place which means someone else must be doing it.
Juice for tramps *
mmmmm, I have a thing for scruffy guys.......
Left in a kebab shop... that is fucking awesome!
It gets better: The whole date involved sitting in a pub watching England have their arses whipped in some football international (which I didn't mind, I'm a simple (not stupid) person and football is fine).... THEN I wouldn't put out, hence I got left in the kebab shop and I had to catch the bus home with enough falaffel to feed all of Brixton.
He emailed the next day saying 'sorry I acted like a toss pot last night can I buy you dinner?'
That is obviously what you call an english gentleman? -
I went on a few gumtree dates a couple of years ago.... no luck as such but I'll summarise some of 'em and you can make your own judgements as to whether its worth your time.
1) I got left in a kebab shop; 2) asked if I'd go home with said date 'not for sex but so he could smell me' (he meant my neck, but it was still weird AND it was his first week off hard drugs); 3) I got a contact if I ever needed/wanted a firearm or a passport; 4) I got my hand set on fire cause the twit knocked a lit shot of sambucca onto my hand; 5) I got a really good mate out of it whom now subsequently dates one of my mates.... So I reckon it was worth it - not for me, but for them... they're blissfully happy now.
Oh I also reckon I got enough material to write a pretty funny book....
I might come in a bit and pop my sth london beers cherry..... I've got some rum punch preped for carnival (that was aborted) that I may have a tipple of now.