I'm on Long Island, New York, in the USA. I joined londonfgss because some photos of various bikes in my collection appeared here.
I wanted to claim credit for the photos.I have a theory about carbon fiber bikes. Carbon fiber is a composite material, as is Glass Fiber. Why not perfect the Fiberglass Bicycle, before trying to build a Carbon Fiber bicycle?
The result is a bike with a single large diameter frame tube. No lugs for the tubes to come un-bonded from.
To James Donohue
Are you aware if you take a photograph of anything inculding this, and upload it on the internet it will be criticised, even if you don't agree?People are entitled to their opinions. I would not expect cyclists who want the lightest bikes possible to be interested in a utility bike with a 45 kilogram cargo capacity.
All I was saying is that Mr. baddesigner posted my pics on this site without giving my fake name (although he did give a link to my "open letter" post on bikeforums dot net).
Every bike has it's pros and cons. I believe everyone should have several bikes. Use the right bike for the job.
I didn't mean to barge in, but I discovered that some pictures of mine were used in this thread, back on page 57. These are pictures of Utility Bikes. Some of them are single speed, yes, but I don't know what they are doing here.
I'm not going to complain that these are copyright violations, this site's "fair use" policy is okay with me, but I wasn't given credit for the photographs.
This came to my attention when I checked my "stats" on photobucket dot com, and londonfgss dot com was listed as the site my photographs were linked to/from.The "Fiberglass Ladies Bicycle" was designed by my Daughter Mellisa. I shot the photographs.
There is some video of these bikes, which I felt was important, because some people have said they thought the bikes were impossible to ride, as if for display only. To see the video, you must go to youtube dot com and
do a search for "Fiberglass Ladies Bicycle".Again, these are utility bikes, and what appears to be an aerodynamic fairing is actually a cargo box.
Thank you for giving me credit for the photographs;
James Donohue
NFA Vehicles
hotbike at hotmail dot com
This is the bike known as NFA Vehicles Type 9. Also known as Fiberglass Ladies Bicycle by Mellisa Manning.
Type 9 was designed by my Daughter and built by myself. It is a semi-recumbent, and a utility bike.
I could write pages about this bike, but I'll just say that in general, if one wants to introduce a new bike design, it should have only one new device or inovation. This bike has too many features and leaves people bewildered. Features include:
Semi-recumbent seat- We wanted to make this bike easily adaptable to an Electric Moped.
Fiberglass- Unusual, but if I get around to it, I could just as well put Carbon Fiber in the mold and get a CF bike.
Fairing- Why not make the fairing so it has cargo capacity, or room for batteries if I add a hub-motor? Also, I like the protection. A little extra protection if a car cuts me off.
Anyway, I sold this bike for twelve hundred American Dollars (450% profit) . It was designed by my Daughter, which ends a long-standing argument as to whether a girl can design a bike.
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