given how high end/non run of the mill these frames are, did it not concern you that the seller knew absolutely nothing about this frame?
figured he's a reseller or second hand dealer or something... but yeah I guess it does look a bit dodgy.. all he's selling is gold, electronics and one bike frame he knows nothing about...
Giant SS frame 56cm £70 BIN
oh, I've been reading plenty of these lists lately. Pitchfork, NME, etc, etc...
Because everyone's got an opinion I better give mine. Just my faves, really. Nothing profound.
Stars of the Lid - And their refinement of the decline
Deerhoof - The runners four
Panda Bear - Person Pitchum sure there are more.. can't really remember any from before 2005 though
used to brew ginger beer, but could never get it right. easy enough to make something that'll get you festive though!
I believe the most important aspect is keeing everything sterile. And using the right sugar.
Also, speaking of micro-breweries, the best I've come across is called Emersons, at the very end of the world from here, in Dunedin, NZ. If you ever see it for sale in London, please, let me know!
Price drop to £10- Rather than start a new thread I thought I'd hijack my old one.
Still clearing out pedals that I gathered recently.
For sale is a pair of VP aero pedals - mounted/tested but not used, with clips and two sets of straps.
**Price [strike]£15[/strike] £10 **Dibs to elwigleneonoe
During my hunt for pedals a few weeks ago I turned up a couple of pairs, but really I only needed one pair so these ones can go.
Not sure of the model (C-Record?) but as you can see they are well used campagnolo pedals, with clips.
They are well used so there are some slight blemishes:
- kink in toe of one clip
- one of the side bits of the frame has chipped off
- the screw heads are a bit worn (but still turn)
But they are still solid and usable and have a lot of life left in them. Bearings are good.
Also includes one of the original leather straps. Grease stained but apart from that good condition.
Prefer pick up please (east London)
**Price £15 SOLD to kingcutter **
- kink in toe of one clip
Originally Posted by tourist
Maybe the councils could ban left turns?The massive amount of extra manouvering that would be required for HGVs to acheive this would significantly increase the risks on the roads. Furthermore there are certain developments and building works that simply could not be done with the absence of HGVs due to access only being available through a left turn.
I was being sarcastic.
At the root of the problem I think is a lack of education all round. Cyclists and HGV drivers are equally culpable.
You're just asking for trouble cycling adjacent to a HGV at an intersection.
Lemond Fillmore on gumtree at the moment for £250 ONO
hello ive got my specialized [langster] frame for sale in good condition and very light wight
and i fink it will be a good project for someone the reason im selling is because some theives striped my bike while i was at work and all i got left with is the frame
thanks for reading if ur intresting call me on 07575275377
£80Stolen... right?
this Le Jeune track frame could make a nice build. bit pricey IMO though
I've got to be careful, I'm only looking for a frame to learn polo on, but I keep getting distracted by the nice frames...