Although I agree to an extent, you cannot deny that some of the stuff people come up with on there is fcking hilarious.
Some crackers recently:
"you're the fit one, arent you? and you're rad. cool."
true, true, spose its amusing when its you giving it. Can just get tiresome though.
like every forum. ever.
anyway, Kingpin >
only actual skateboarding based forum i read/post on regularly is Skateperception, and most of the kids on there are yanks, fcuking useless.
For sure, or why don't you just walk along to a skate park! would seem like the first port of call to me?? you could even try a skate...shop!! they sell skateboards and stuff like that which for the win means that there's usually 'skaters' in them.
obviously i have done.. ive managed to get a fair few people, still on the lookout for more though. ta.
I was merely using this as another source.. clearly if there are any more mongs like you about then its not worth it.
Don't worry, together we'll do your project for you!! just let us know what kind of location you require, we'll all chip in with suggestions. And to save you actually having to go there to see for yourself, we'd be happy to go there and take pictures for you. Just PM us.
I'm really excited by your project now....if only you were funny.
The sidewalk forums make me cringe. I stopped reading/posting on them yonks ago.
Where did/do you normally skate, surely there must be someone there worth shooting with?
clapham/stockwell. have got a few people, was just on the lookout for some more really.
if only money grew on trees.
my size as well!