Please try and keep things on topic. This is a discussion about AIDS.
The whole AIDS thing is bloody difficult to keep tabs on though.
Back in the '80s we only ever had gay-AIDS and drug-AIDS ... you really really didn't want to go dying of gay-aids.
Now we have Pig-AIDS, Chicken-AIDS, Calf-AIDS and Unipack-AIDS etc etc
I'm fucked if I'll be able to avoid them all, so have decided to take up drugs and get some good old fashioned retro 80s AIDS - fuck all this new fangled stuff.
It just makes me laugh when people try to argue practical uses for something clearly chosen for looks, like saying holding around the stem (like that idiotic bike up there^^) is better for riding in traffic, or that an aerospoke is chosen because it's easier to get a lock through. Balderdash.
+1 I chose my arrospok because I get to use fucking HUGE spoke cards.
Could be a steal for someone looking for a very nice OTP.
Pearson Touche 56cm @ £135. 3 Days left
'Ensure plenty of fluids are taken before competing' fail.
im watching a few auctions and cant fingure out how people are able to bid last second, my internet takes about 10s to refresh a webpage (using home internet in london), and i can only manage to get bids in within the last 5s of auction ending... am i missing something or is it a simple case of just timing the bid right? also how much is it safe to bid at the last second?
There are a load of utter cunts who use eBay 'sniper' software.
Basically you put in the max amount you want to bid and the software automatically sends in a bid just above the current max (but within your limit) in the last couple of milliseconds.
eBay have started cottoning on to this and are disabling accounts where they suspect it's being done through a sniper.
Totally pointless wanky anecdote:
I've got a cheapy Cateye one that goes absolutely apeshit when I cycle past the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital or the Us Embassy (probably cos of all the electromagnetic shite they're pumping out).
I'll bet none of you fuckers can boast a recorded top speed of 134.6 MPH
I am a fortunate nigerian businessman, with a love for colnoga's, I'll buy it for £600.
I have a friend who owes me £1600, I'll have him western union money transfer you the £1600. Then you can simply send the frame plus the difference (minus say £50 for your good self) to me at.....
You forgot at add "I am a Prince in my country, which is why I live in a fucking bedsit in Lewisham"
Your cock will drop off