Shamless ref code: REF82DV4VNU8E
Brewser is great, big fan of Pentrich, Sureshot, Pollys, Gravity Well, Double Barrelled, Track & Baron - They're mostly IPA/Pale boxes though.
Taturus and Abbeydale are also good shouts, for some variation.
They've got a Facebook group, Planet Brewer, which is pretty good to get a heads up on future boxes/styles
I'm a big fan of https://brewser.beer
It's £38/month, and you can select a different brewery each month. Loads of breweries onboard too.
Shameless referral code which gets you £8 off the first box REF82DV4VNU8E
Really good deal here: https://bbno.co/collections/frontpage/products/hop-selection-lockdown-box
£54 Delivered with FRESH10 as a code.
What EVs can currently “give back” though?