I've finished fitting my PID kit and pressure gauge to my Gaggia classic. Few questions.
Adjusting OPV. I've adjusted it to about 9.5/9.75 bar when backflushing, hoping it will land around 9 when brewing - is this about right, or do I want it set higher? I just fired some shit old beans through it to test, and it was brewing around 7 bar. Will brew pressure go up with fresher beans as more co2 is produced? The shot was too fast as well (not dialled in and old beans), am I right in assuming brew pressure will increase as I grind finer to slow the shot down?
Yeah, you need one of the fancier ones that will do an earth fault loop test ideally, as that will actually check the resistance rather than just continuity.
https://www.pat-testers.co.uk/products/kewtech-loopcheck-107-socket-tester -
I’d do some continuity tests with a multimeter. See if you get continuity between the exposed metal parts of the grinder and the top pin of the plug.
The next step would be to use a simple socket tester on the socket to prove it has an earth.
Does seem weird that static would build at up her shop and not at yours. -
I’ve heard the term couch co-op. I guess puzzle games? Or games where a skill differential doesn’t matter too much.
Neither of us have played a switch, but I imagine something a casual gamer could enjoy?
I’ve asked friends as well, who have asked the same as you. And as someone who hasn’t had a console for a couple decades, it’s a bit like asking someone who only eats toast if they would prefer lasagna or sushi. I somewhat lack the frame of reference to form a preference!
Ah - the OPV was set really low (2.5 bar) when I initially tested it, and I’d been having trouble with steam beforehand - noticed it was doing exactly as you described, burping into the tank and generally steaming badly. Hopefully it’ll be working a bit better now.