There are a few companies making 30t chainrings in 104bcd too or go sram spiderless down to 26t chainrings, or bmx cranks?
WI freewheels ain't all that in my opinion, so if 18t suits there are other options like the Echo ones I posted, if you need more teeth on the freewheel then WI is probably your best bet but it's no the best freewheel going if you're trying to get faster pickup.
Best for what? They area easily serviceable and well sealed with a moderate number of clicks but there are others that are cheaper with much more clicks and adequate sealing, WI freewheels are fairly heavy in comparison to others too.
I had a pair of these over winter, were even cheaper before. They are basically full arm warmers so had to ditch them once it started heating up but they are decent for the money, don't slip about at all which happened a lot with my more traditional fitting pads. The mesh that holds the foam pads on does get worn pretty easy from walls/boards but never so much the pads fell out in my use.
I take it London has a proper association with a constitution, membership fees, bank account etc? Have you guys applied for things like sportsmatch? http://www.sportscotland.org.uk/funding/sportsmatch ( I guess there's an English equivalent), basically there's a lot of funding out there beyond private that would help with things like this, don't write it off because you can't afford it on your own!
Kojak 1.35 folding on sale at SJS. Still not that cheap but cheapest I have seen for a while.
Goalhole did a rundown of safety stuff the other week.
Bikes: http://www.goalhole.com/2013/02/06/ahbpc-2013-sort-your-bike-issues-out-now/
Mallets: http://www.goalhole.com/2013/02/19/ahbpc-2013-sort-your-mallet-issues-out-now/#commentsNo mention of crimping off but maybe they weren't in a rush.
1 nik: 2 ninja heads 2 light shafts
- ryan: some shit
- ben: 2 ninja single capped heads
- nesbit: 2 ninja single capped heads
- dt: 2 black ninja single capped heads
- fin: 1 simple capped
- Dan: 1 ninja capped and 1Custom bolt for regular shaft.
- islipaway: 2 ninja capped heads & 2 Custom Bolt for Regular Shaft, Picked up (by other Glasgow person) at Manchester Tourney.
- ryan: some shit
The clear covers that Jono and Luca used seem to work in stopping the ball. I think it was 0.5mm lexan or something like that. Flexible enough to fold iirc
I've used lexan before, it sounds like you're trying to move a filing cabinate about but it's proper light/tough. Has anyone tried the HDPE covers fixcraft offer?
You are not maintaining your wheels/your spokes are not tensioned correctly.
Hmm, well they are straight. The spokes are probably too tight but I wouldn't have thought that would results in the ball passing through. I'll have a look again! By lots of balls I mean maybe one a night if I am spending a lot of time in goals.
I'm looking to build up some new wheels, fairly sorted on hubs/rims/tyres but just checking what the hive mind thoughts on spokes are at the moment. Previous build was 48 plain gauge and weight was considerable. I'm going 36h this time around but is plain gauge still the standard or have people gone butted? While my spokes rarely break there are a few with notable bends in them that would probably be better off replaced and would have been if they broke.
I don't know how applicable this is to you but:
http://www.aircaddy.com/instructions-details.shtml -
I'm interested in this, I'm not moving to London till October though so I take it that's no use this time round? There's no mention of time scale for when this would start again.