So turns out the conversion frame I'm using has a 25.8mm seattube. I've noticed this has severely limited my seatpost options. I'm assuming there wouldn't be enough give to use a 25.4mm seatpost and have it grip any way at all well? Does anyone have any experience doing this? I'm thinking it would be possible to just shim a 25.4mm seatpost with a bit of coke can(ghetto as you like) or something? Anyone have any experience with this either?
Any help is appreciated.
So basically you want us to do all the research and finding for you?
As I'm sure you're aware the Chain Reaction catalogue is extensive to put it lightly. I am just looking for peoples past experiences with affordable and durable seats, posts and tires with the very few stipulations I have and to have a look at the seat I posted to make me aware of any obvious flaws with it. Unlike a lot of people on this site, I can't afford to shell out on parts that turn out to be shite, I like to do as much research as possible before I buy and that's primarily based on feedback from more experienced members of boards such as this. Fixed parts are not cheap.
Edit: I understand the OP may have made me sound like I was trying to get everyone to do the work for me, but really I'm just looking for a bit of experience, feedback and direction into what to buy.
Need a bit of help choosing a new seat and seatpost and also new tires in the near future. I'm on a tight budget but would like something slim and light(weight is not in any way a priority or stipulation though) but it has to have a "love channel", I don't know the proper term for it but I know that's what WTB saddles refer to it as and in black preferably. Seatposts are six of one, half dozen of another to me but I just need a longer one than the one that came with the conversion frame I'm using, preferably black also. I'll check the seatpost diameter in the morning, it's a Falcon Team Banana from the late eighties-early nineties if anyone can deduce it from that, which I doubt! As for tires, just looking for something cheap, relatively grippy and durable, with the emphasis on cheap and durable! Will be ordering from Chain Reaction Cycles because of the selection and to save a little on the postage(I'm in the Republic).
So yeah, any help or guidance is appreciated.
Spied this:
BeOne Carbon Kevlar Saddle
Looks nice, ti rails and dashings of carbon at E34.95. I suspect this may be too good to be true, anyone got any experience with it? I would prefer not to spend any more than this on a saddle. -
It makes me sad as well because I have a brake waiting to go on it, and until I get the problem with the front fork sorted out (thursdfay!) I can't fit it - and therefore can't ride it.
However there is one braking mechanism on it. It's personal choice to ride brakless..it's just not my personal choice.@ed it feels a lot lighter, even with heavy spok of woe and deep v/phil of doom.
I see, I'm interested to see what it will be like with a brake fitted. Does this mean you won't be running a set of straps on it?
It's a Falcon Team Banana, a knockoff of the Raleigh Team Banana so I'm not surprised they share the same seattube size, they seem to be essentially the same frame.